Will “Senior Research Consultant” be Replaced By Robots? 🤔
1.2% Chance of Automation
“Senior Research Consultant” will not be replaced by robots.
This job is ranked #57 out of #702. A higher ranking (i.e., a lower number) means the job is less likely to be replaced.
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Job Description
Apply principles of psychology to human resources, administration, management, sales, and marketing problems. Activities may include policy planning; employee testing and selection, training and development; and organizational development and analysis. May work with management to organize the work setting to improve worker productivity.
Job Details
- The SOC (Standard Occupational Classification) code is 19-3032.00
- The Mean Annual Wage in the U.S. is $ 104,570.00
- The Mean Hourly Wage is $ 50.00
- Currently, there are 1,020 people on this job
☝️ Information based on the reference occupation “Industrial-Organizational Psychologists”.
Also Known As…
- Industrial-Organizational Psychologists
- Research Scientist
- Organizational Psychologist
- Organizational Development Consultant
- Organizational Consultant
- Management Consultant
- Industrial/Organizational Psychologist (I/O Psychologist)
- Industrial Psychologist
- Consulting Psychologist
- Consultant
- Assessment Services Manager
- Vice President, Talent Management
- Vice President, Global Organizational Effectiveness
- Vice President, Consulting Services
- Vice President Talent Management
- Testing Projects Administrator
- Team Leader/Research Psychologist
- Staffing Consultant
- Senior Research Fellow
- Senior Consultant
- Senior Behavioral Scientist
- Second VP, HR Assessment
- Research Psychologist
- Program Evaluation Consultant
- Policy Officer
- Policy Advisor
- Personnel Research Scientist
- Personnel Research Psychologist
- Personnel Psychologist
- Organizational Research Consultant
- Organizational Effectiveness Director
- Organizational Effectiveness Consultant, Talent Development Team
- Organizational Development Specialist
- Organizational Development Manager
- Organizational Development Director
- Occupational Psychologist
- Manager, Personnel Selection
- Manager of Selection and Assessment
- Management Psychologist
- Internal Consultant
- Instructional Systems Design Consultant (ISD Consultant)
- Human Resources Psychologist
- Human Resources Consultant (HR Consultant)
- Human Performance Consultant
- Executive Coach
- Engineering Psychologist
- Director, Selection, Classification, Compensation
- Director, Selection and Administration
- Director, Learning Services
- Director, Learning and Development
- Customer Leader
- Corporate Director, Talent Assessment
- Consulting Hr Professional
- Assistant Vice President, Assessment Solutions
Tasks for “Senior Research Consultant”
- Observe and interview workers to obtain information about the physical, mental, and educational requirements of jobs as well as information about aspects such as job satisfaction.
- Assess employee performance.
- Identify training and development needs.
- Develop and implement employee selection and placement programs.
- Train clients to administer human resources functions including testing, selection, and performance management.
- Write articles, white papers, and reports to share research findings and educate others.
- Develop new business by contacting potential clients, making sales presentations, and writing proposals.
- Analyze job requirements and content to establish criteria for classification, selection, training, and other related personnel functions.
- Review research literature to remain current on psychological science issues.
- Coach senior executives and managers on leadership and performance.
- Facilitate organizational development and change.
- Provide advice on best practices and implementation for selection.
- Study organizational effectiveness, productivity, and efficiency, including the nature of workplace supervision and leadership.
- Conduct research studies of physical work environments, organizational structures, communication systems, group interactions, morale, and motivation to assess organizational functioning.
- Participate in mediation and dispute resolution.
- Analyze data, using statistical methods and applications, to evaluate the outcomes and effectiveness of workplace programs.
- Develop interview techniques, rating scales, and psychological tests used to assess skills, abilities, and interests for the purpose of employee selection, placement, and promotion.
- Study consumers' reactions to new products and package designs, and to advertising efforts, using surveys and tests.
- Formulate and implement training programs, applying principles of learning and individual differences.
- Write reports on research findings and implications to contribute to general knowledge and to suggest potential changes in organizational functioning.
- Conduct presentations on research findings for clients and at research meetings.
- Counsel workers about job and career-related issues.
- Provide expert testimony in employment lawsuits.
- Advise management concerning personnel, managerial, and marketing policies and practices and their potential effects on organizational effectiveness and efficiency.
- Conduct individual assessments, including interpreting measures and providing feedback for selection, placement, and promotion.
Related Technology & Tools
- Liquid crystal display LCD video projectors
- Personal computers
- Laptop computers
- Data input scanners
- Universal serial bus USB flash drives
- Desktop computers
- Hypertext markup language HTML
- Scientific Software International HLM
- Scientific Software International LISREL
- Scientific Software International BILOG-MG
- Scientific Software International PARSCALE
- Google Sheets
- Adobe Systems Adobe Acrobat
- Scientific Software International TESTFACT
- Microsoft Excel
- Winsteps
- Assessment Systems Corporation XCALIBRE
- Microsoft Office
- Oracle PeopleSoft
- Microsoft PowerPoint
- Microsoft Visio
- Microsoft Project
- Human resource information system HRIS
- Microsoft Outlook
- Scientific Software International MULTILOG
- Microsoft Access
- Muthen & Muthen MPlus
- Psychometric testing software
- Microsoft Word
- Web browser software