Will “Seismologist” be Replaced By Robots? 🤔
1.4% Chance of Automation
“Seismologist” will not be replaced by robots.
This job is ranked #60 out of #702. A higher ranking (i.e., a lower number) means the job is less likely to be replaced.
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Job Description
Research the distribution, circulation, and physical properties of underground and surface waters; and study the form and intensity of precipitation, its rate of infiltration into the soil, movement through the earth, and its return to the ocean and atmosphere.
Job Details
- The SOC (Standard Occupational Classification) code is 19-2043.00
- The Mean Annual Wage in the U.S. is $ 83,740.00
- The Mean Hourly Wage is $ 40.00
- Currently, there are 6,300 people on this job
☝️ Information based on the reference occupation “Hydrologists”.
Also Known As…
- Hydrologists
- Research Hydrologist
- Professor
- Hydrologist
- Hydrologic Engineer
- Hydrogeologist
- Hydraulic Engineer
- Groundwater Programs Director
- Groundwater Consultant
- Environmental Consultant
- Assistant Groundwater Engineer
- Water Resources Program Director
- Volcanologist
- Surface Hydrologist
- Source Water Protection Specialist
- Isotope Hydrologist
- Geophysicist
- Geophysical Laboratory Chief
- Geologist
Tasks for “Seismologist”
- Install, maintain, and calibrate instruments such as those that monitor water levels, rainfall, and sediments.
- Answer questions and provide technical assistance and information to contractors or the public regarding issues such as well drilling, code requirements, hydrology, and geology.
- Study and analyze the physical aspects of the earth in terms of hydrological components, including atmosphere, hydrosphere, and interior structure.
- Monitor the work of well contractors, exploratory borers, and engineers and enforce rules regarding their activities.
- Evaluate data and provide recommendations regarding the feasibility of municipal projects, such as hydroelectric power plants, irrigation systems, flood warning systems, and waste treatment facilities.
- Administer programs designed to ensure the proper sealing of abandoned wells.
- Develop or modify methods for conducting hydrologic studies.
- Prepare hydrogeologic evaluations of known or suspected hazardous waste sites and land treatment and feedlot facilities.
- Measure and graph phenomena such as lake levels, stream flows, and changes in water volumes.
- Collect and analyze water samples as part of field investigations or to validate data from automatic monitors.
- Prepare written and oral reports describing research results, using illustrations, maps, appendices, and other information.
- Apply research findings to help minimize the environmental impacts of pollution, waterborne diseases, erosion, and sedimentation.
- Coordinate and supervise the work of professional and technical staff, including research assistants, technologists, and technicians.
- Investigate complaints or conflicts related to the alteration of public waters, gathering information, recommending alternatives, informing participants of progress, and preparing draft orders.
- Develop computer models for hydrologic predictions.
- Compile and evaluate hydrologic information to prepare navigational charts and maps and to predict atmospheric conditions.
- Evaluate research data in terms of its impact on issues such as soil and water conservation, flood control planning, and water supply forecasting.
- Conduct short- and long-term climate assessments and study storm occurrences.
- Review applications for site plans and permits and recommend approval, denial, modification, or further investigative action.
- Study and document quantities, distribution, disposition, and development of underground and surface waters.
- Study public water supply issues, including flood and drought risks, water quality, wastewater, and impacts on wetland habitats.
- Conduct research and communicate information to promote the conservation and preservation of water resources.
- Investigate properties, origins, and activities of glaciers, ice, snow, and permafrost.
- Design civil works associated with hydrographic activities and supervise their construction, installation, and maintenance.
- Design and conduct scientific hydrogeological investigations to ensure that accurate and appropriate information is available for use in water resource management decisions.
Related Technology & Tools
- Total stations
- Desktop computers
- Handheld data collection units
- Turbidimeters
- Core samplers
- Clinometers
- Ice meters
- Biological oxygen demand water samplers
- Extensometers
- Data logging pressure/temperature sensors
- Laser printers
- Groundwater data logging instruments
- Wireless data collection systems
- Surface water velocity measurement probes
- Sediment samplers
- Submersible water quality sensors
- Soil samplers
- Hydrological current meters
- Underwater temperature recorders
- Standpipe multi-packer systems for long-term monitoring of deep boreholes
- Filter flasks
- Global positioning system GPS receivers
- In-situ pore water samplers
- Submersible pressure and level sensors
- Suction samplers
- Light density meters
- Dissolved oxygen meters
- Multiparameter water quality instruments
- Personal computers
- Micrometers
- Doppler current and depth meters
- pH meters
- Laboratory vacuum pumps
- Erosion monitors
- Subsurface grab water samplers
- Underwater video cameras
- Hydraulic fracturing systems
- Swing water samplers
- Conductivity meters
- Portable pumping and sampling systems
- Double-packer systems
- Specific gravity hydrometers
- Levels
- Water level recorders
- Radiological monitoring equipment
- Dip nets
- Dessicators
- Inclinometers
- Salinity meters
- Two way radios
- Mainframe computers
- Spring scales
- Radar equipment
- Stream flow gauges
- Cellular telemetry system water level monitors
- Laboratory ovens
- Multi-port sampling systems to monitor groundwater
- Flow-through field fluorometers
- Instream sediment collectors
- Notebook computers
- Well/surface water dataloggers
- Sieve shakers
- Pore pressure piezometers
- Bailers
- Groundwater sampling peristaltic pumps
- Sounding reels
- Pipettes
- Calipers
- Drive-point piezometers
- Oil water interface meters
- Map templates
- Respirators
- Scientific Software Group MIDUSS
- Scientific Software Group RMT
- ESRI ArcGIS software
- GAEA Technologies WinLog
- Waters eLab Notebook
- StatPoint StatGraphics Plus
- Groundwater Software QuickCross/Fence
- Scientific Software GroupWinFence
- Scientific Software Group TUFLOW
- Scientific Software Group Infinite Extent
- Word processing software
- Integrated Environmental Services 3D Master
- EnviroInsite
- Scientific Software Group AQUASEA
- RockWare Geochemist's Workbench GWB
- Revised universal soil loss equation RUSLE software
- Logger data manager LDM
- Trimble Pathfinder Office
- EarthSoft EQuIS Geology
- Scientific Software Group POLLUTE
- Bentley Systems gINT
- Scientific Software Group MOCDENSE
- Graphics software
- Scientific Software Group RiverMorph
- SoilVision Systems SVGrainsize
- Groundwater Vistas
- Laboratory information management system LIMS
- Scientific Software Group BIO1D
- Scientific Software Group MT3D99
- Scientific Software Group GFLOW
- Hydrologic simulation program fortan HSPF software
- Parameter Estimation PEST
- Satellite database software
- Scientific Software Group SURF
- Carlson SurvCADD
- Scientific Software Group StepMaster
- Scientific Software Group WinFlow
- GAEA Technologies Packet ESA
- RockWare MODFLOW
- Scientific Software Group AQUIPACK
- Advanced Logic Technology WellCAD
- Scientific Software Group Enviro-Base Pro
- Scientific Software Group FEFLOW
- Scientific Software Group SOILPARA
- Groundwater Software Visual Site Manager
- Scientific Software Group SEQUENCE
- Clover Technology GALENA
- Scientific Software Group EVS
- Waterloo Hydrogeologic AquaChem
- Microsoft PowerPoint
- Scientific Software Group ChemGraph
- Fitts Geosolutions TWODAN
- Microsoft Visual Basic
- Python
- Scientific Software Group ChemPoint/ChemStat
- Email software
- Groundwater Software QuickLog
- Environmental Software and Services SUTRA
- Logplot software
- Scientific Software Group VAM2D
- Scientific Software Group MohrView
- Scientific Software Group SVHeat
- C++
- Scientific Software Group MOVER
- Web browser software
- ESRI ArcView
- Scientific Software Group 3DFATMIC
- Scientific Software Group QHM
- Scientific Software Group MODFLOWT
- Scientific Software Group MIGRATE
- Watershed modeling system WMS software
- Scientific Software Group RISC WorkBench
- Spreadsheet software
- Microsoft Excel
- HEC-1
- Bentley MicroStation
- Surface water modeling system SMS software
- RockWare RockWorks
- Scientific Software Group Filter Drain FD
- Waterloo Hydrogeologic RBC Tier 2 Analyzer
- Scientific Software Group BioTrends
- Geomechanical design analysis GDA software
- Scientific Software Group MODRET
- Scientific Software Group AquaDyn
- Scientific Software Group OILVOL
- Electric Rain Swift 3D
- Scientific Software Group Soil Vapor Extraction BioSVE
- Starpint Software Super Slug
- Softree Technical Systems Terrain Tools
- Scientific Software Group MODPUMP
- Microsoft Word
- Biodegration flow and transport modeling software
- Scientific Software Group QuickSoil
- Microsoft Office
- Formlink HydroGEN
- National pollutant discharge elimination system NPDES compliance software
- GAEA Technologies WinSieve
- Scientific Software Group AQUA3D
- Scientific Software Group DTM
- Scientific Software Group MARS 2-D/3-D
- Scientific Software Group SESOIL
- Autodesk AutoCAD
- Scientific Software GroupWHI UnSAT Suite
- Waterloo Hydrogeologic AquiferTest Pro
- EarthVision
- Scientific Software Group BIOF&T
- Scientific Software Group Aquifer win32
- River Lake Altimetry Product
- Scientific Software Group SOLUTRANS
- Autodesk AutoCAD Civil 3D
- Autodesk AutoCAD MAP3D
- RockWare ChemFlux
- Scientific Software Group MOFAT
- Scientific Software Group SVFlux
- EnviroData Solutions
- Argus ONE Open Numerical Environments
- Scientific Software Group SLAEM/MLAEM
- Scientific Software Group AT123D
- Scientific Software Group WinTran
- Visual MODFLOW Pro
- Scientific Software Group 3DFEMFAT
- Golden Software Surfer
- Formula translation/translator FORTRAN
- Amtec Engineering Tecplot
- GIS/Solutions GIS/Key
- Scientific Software Group EnviroScape
- SoilVision Systems SVOFFICE
- Scientific Software Group HydroGeo Analyst
- RockWare SieveGraph
- Scientific Software Group BIOSLURP
- Trimble TerraSync
- Autodesk Land Desktop
- Vieux & Associates Vflow
- Scientific Software Group HYDROGEOCHEM
- BOSS International Visual Groundwater
- HEC-2
- Scientific Software Group CHASM
- Scientific Software Group MINTEQA2
- Golden Software Strater
- Groundwater modeling system GMS
- Scientific Software Group MS-VMS