Will “Environmental Protection Specialist” be Replaced By Robots? 🤔
Unknown Chance of Automation
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Job Description
Apply principles and processes of natural ecosystems to develop models for efficient industrial systems. Use knowledge from the physical and social sciences to maximize effective use of natural resources in the production and use of goods and services. Examine societal issues and their relationship with both technical systems and the environment.
Job Details
- The SOC (Standard Occupational Classification) code is 19-2041.03
☝️ Information based on the reference occupation “Industrial Ecologists”.
Also Known As…
- Industrial Ecologists
- Researcher
- Research Scientist
- Research Environmental Engineer
- Environmental Sustainability Manager
- Environmental Services Director
- Environmental Protection Agency Counselor
- Environmental Programs Manager
- Environmental Consultant
- Ecologist
- Wildlife Biostation Research Ecologist
- Sustainable Systems Analyst
- Sustainability Consultant
- Product Development Ecologist
- Natural Resources Engineer
- Life Cycle Assessment Analyst
- Industrial Retrofit Designer
- Industrial Green Systems Designer
- Industrial Ecologist
- Forest Ecologist
- Environmental Business Development Associate
- Eco-Industrial Development Consultant
- Development Associate
- Aquatic Ecologist
Tasks for “Environmental Protection Specialist”
- Create complex and dynamic mathematical models of population, community, or ecological systems.
- Conduct applied research on the effects of industrial processes on the protection, restoration, inventory, monitoring, or reintroduction of species to the natural environment.
- Examine societal issues and their relationship with both technical systems and the environment.
- Forecast future status or condition of ecosystems, based on changing industrial practices or environmental conditions.
- Identify or develop strategies or methods to minimize the environmental impact of industrial production processes.
- Translate the theories of industrial ecology into eco-industrial practices.
- Prepare technical and research reports such as environmental impact reports, and communicate the results to individuals in industry, government, or the general public.
- Analyze changes designed to improve the environmental performance of complex systems to avoid unintended negative consequences.
- Develop alternative energy investment scenarios to compare economic and environmental costs and benefits.
- Redesign linear, or open loop, systems into cyclical, or closed loop, systems so that waste products become inputs for new processes, modeling natural ecosystems.
- Review industrial practices, such as the methods and materials used in construction or production, to identify potential liabilities and environmental hazards.
- Research environmental effects of land and water used to determine methods of improving environmental conditions or increasing outputs such as crop yields.
- Evaluate the effectiveness of industrial ecology programs using statistical analysis and applications.
- Plan or conduct studies of the ecological implications of historic or projected changes in industrial processes or development.
- Carry out environmental assessments in accordance with applicable standards, regulations, or laws.
- Examine local, regional or global use and flow of materials or energy in industrial production processes.
- Promote use of environmental management systems (EMS) to reduce waste or to improve environmentally sound use of natural resources.
- Conduct environmental sustainability assessments, using material flow analysis (MFA) or substance flow analysis (SFA) techniques.
- Identify or compare the component parts or relationships between the parts of industrial, social, and natural systems.
- Perform environmentally extended input-output (EE I-O) analyses.
- Investigate accidents affecting the environment to assess ecological impact.
- Recommend methods to protect the environment or minimize environmental damage from industrial production practices.
- Investigate the adaptability of various animal and plant species to changed environmental conditions.
- Develop or test protocols to monitor ecosystem components and ecological processes.
- Conduct analyses to determine the maximum amount of work that can be accomplished for a given amount of energy in a system, such as industrial production systems and waste treatment systems.
- Plan or conduct field research on topics such as industrial production, industrial ecology, population ecology, and environmental production or sustainability.
- Provide industrial managers with technical materials on environmental issues, regulatory guidelines, or compliance actions.
- Investigate the impact of changed land management or land use practices on ecosystems.
- Build and maintain databases of information about energy alternatives, pollutants, natural environments, industrial processes, and other information related to ecological change.
- Identify sustainable alternatives to industrial or waste management practices.
- Monitor the environmental impact of development activities, pollution, or land degradation.
- Identify environmental impacts caused by products, systems, or projects.
- Apply new or existing research about natural ecosystems to understand economic and industrial systems in the context of the environment.
- Perform analyses to determine how human behavior can affect and be affected by changes in the environment.
- Research sources of pollution to determine environmental impact or to develop methods of pollution abatement or control.
- Conduct scientific protection, mitigation, or restoration projects to prevent resource damage, maintain the integrity of critical habitats, and minimize the impact of human activities.
- Review research literature to maintain knowledge on topics related to industrial ecology, such as physical science, technology, economy, and public policy.
- Prepare plans to manage renewable resources.
Related Technology & Tools
- Personal computers
- Laser facsimile machines
- Laptop computers
- Desktop computers
- Multi-line telephone systems
- Computer data input scanners
- Adobe Systems Adobe Acrobat
- Online databases
- ESRI ArcGIS software
- Wolfram Research Mathematica
- Microsoft SharePoint
- Adobe Systems Adobe Illustrator
- Microsoft Visio
- Substance Flow Analysis STAN
- Email software
- Web browser software
- Microsoft Office
- The MathWorks MATLAB
- Autodesk AutoCAD
- Adobe Systems Adobe Photoshop
- PRe Consultants SimaPro
- Production Flow Analysis and Simplification Toolkit PFAST
- Microsoft Excel
- Microsoft PowerPoint
- Economic Input-Output Life Cycle Assessment EIO-LCA
- Python
- StataCorp Stata