Will “Physics Professor” be Replaced By Robots? 🤔
4.1% Chance of Automation
“Physics Professor” will not be replaced by robots.
This job is ranked #128 out of #702. A higher ranking (i.e., a lower number) means the job is less likely to be replaced.
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Job Description
Observe, research, and interpret astronomical phenomena to increase basic knowledge or apply such information to practical problems.
Job Details
- The SOC (Standard Occupational Classification) code is 19-2011.00
- The Mean Annual Wage in the U.S. is $ 110,380.00
- The Mean Hourly Wage is $ 53.00
- Currently, there are 1,830 people on this job
☝️ Information based on the reference occupation “Astronomers”.
Also Known As…
- Astronomers
- Scientist
- Research Scientist
- Professor
- Physics and Astronomy Professor
- Lunar and Planetary Institute Director
- Astrophysicist
- Astronomy Professor
- Astronomer
- Associate Professor
- Assistant Professor
- Space Sciences Director
- Observatory Director
- National Radio Astronomy Observatory Director
- Life Sciences Director
- Institute Scientist
- Institute Director
- Data Sciences Director
- Astronomy Department Chair
- Analytical Sciences Director
Tasks for “Physics Professor”
- Present research findings at scientific conferences and in papers written for scientific journals.
- Study celestial phenomena, using a variety of ground-based and space-borne telescopes and scientific instruments.
- Serve on professional panels and committees.
- Teach astronomy or astrophysics.
- Develop instrumentation and software for astronomical observation and analysis.
- Direct the operations of a planetarium.
- Collaborate with other astronomers to carry out research projects.
- Measure radio, infrared, gamma, and x-ray emissions from extraterrestrial sources.
- Analyze research data to determine its significance, using computers.
- Raise funds for scientific research.
- Calculate orbits and determine sizes, shapes, brightness, and motions of different celestial bodies.
- Develop theories based on personal observations or on observations and theories of other astronomers.
- Review scientific proposals and research papers.
- Develop and modify astronomy-related programs for public presentation.
Related Technology & Tools
- Scientific calculators
- Refracting telescopes
- Optical interferometers
- Planetary radar transmitters
- Radio telescopes
- Resonance fluorescence laser imaging detection and ranging LIDAR systems
- Wideband pulsar processors
- Multi-object spectrographs MOS
- High resolution spectrographs
- Baseband recorders
- Optical telescopes
- Atomic absorption AA spectroscopes
- High powered binoculars
- Schmidt-Cassegrain telescopes
- Cryostats
- Low resolution imaging spectrographs
- Reflector telescopes
- Ball mills
- Photometers
- Very large array VLA telescopes
- Echelle spectrometers
- Solar telescope filters
- Tilting filter photometers
- Scanning telescopes
- Laptop computers
- Laser imaging detection and ranging LIDAR systems
- Radio antennas
- Single-dish radio telescopes
- Very long baseline array VLBA telescopes
- Spectroscopes
- Thermal evaporators
- Pulsar processors
- Desktop computers
- Doppler Rayleigh laser imaging ranging and detecting LIDAR systems
- Personal computers
- Interferometers
- Dobsonian telescopes
- Near-infrared imagers and spectrometers NIRI
- Automated telescopes
- Wide-field mosaic charge-coupled device CCD cameras
- Solar telescopes
- Charge-coupled device CCD imagers
- European VLBI Network EVN telescopes
- X ray diffractometers
- Differential scanning calorimeters
- Near-infrared integral field spectrometers
- Fourier transform infrared FTIR spectrometers
- Electron beam ion traps EBIT
- Ebert-Fastie spectrometers
- Visual Numerics PV-WAVE
- Web browser software
- Interface definition language IDL
- Microsoft Word
- Python
- Astronomical Image Processing System AIPS
- Microsoft Office
- Astronomical information processing system AIPS++
- Multipurpose Interactive Image Processing System MIIPS
- Microsoft Excel
- Analyz
- Formula translation/translator FORTRAN
- Diffraction Limited MaxIm DL
- C++
- Data reduction software
- MSB Software Astroart
- Starcal
- European Southern Observatory Munich Image Data Analysis System ESO-MIDAS
- Software Bisque CCDSoft
- Avis Fits Viewer
- Linux
- National Instruments LabVIEW
- Adaptive optics AO simulation software
- Spectroscopy databases
- Abstraction plus reference plus synthesis A++
- Astronomical Image Processing for Windows AIP4WIN