Will “Erosion and Sediment Control Professional” be Replaced By Robots? 🤔
Unknown Chance of Automation
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Job Description
Plan or develop coordinated practices for soil erosion control, soil or water conservation, or sound land use.
Job Details
- The SOC (Standard Occupational Classification) code is 19-1031.01
☝️ Information based on the reference occupation “Soil and Water Conservationists”.
Also Known As…
- Soil and Water Conservationists
- Watershed Program Manager
- Soil Conservationist
- Resource Conservationist
- Resource Conservation Specialist
- Land Resource Specialist
- Land Reclamation Specialist
- Land Manager
- Erosion Control Specialist
- Environmental Analyst
- Conservationist
- Wetlands Technician
- Wetland Scientist
- Water Conservation Specialist
- Terrestrial Ecologist
- Soil Surveyor
- Soil Scientist
- Soil Conservation Technician
- Soil and Water Conservation District Manager
- Restoration Ecologist
- Research Soil Scientist
- Range Conservationist
- Land Use Planner
- Filter Changing Technician
- Field Agronomist
- Farm Planner
- Erosion Control Design and Installation Contractor
- Erosion Control Coordinator
- Environmental Planner
- Environmental Consultant
- Ecologist Technician
- Department of Natural Resources Officer (DNR Officer)
- Conservation Specialist
- Conservation Policy Analyst
- Conservation of Resources Commissioner
- Conservation Engineer
- Conservation Agent
- Botany Technician
- Biologist
- Aquatic/Terrestrial Habitat Restoration Technician
- Aquatic Ecologist
- Agriculture Consultant
Tasks for “Erosion and Sediment Control Professional”
- Compute cost estimates of different conservation practices, based on needs of land users, maintenance requirements, or life expectancy of practices.
- Enter local soil, water, or other environmental data into adaptive or web-based decision tools to identify appropriate analyses or techniques.
- Review grant applications or make funding recommendations.
- Coordinate or implement technical, financial, or administrative assistance programs for local government units to ensure efficient program implementation or timely responses to requests for assistance.
- Apply principles of specialized fields of science, such as agronomy, soil science, forestry, or agriculture, to achieve conservation objectives.
- Develop water conservation or harvest plans, using weather information systems, irrigation information management systems, or other sources of daily evapotranspiration (ET) data.
- Gather information from geographic information systems (GIS) databases or applications to formulate land use recommendations.
- Develop or conduct environmental studies, such as plant material field trials or wildlife habitat impact studies.
- Respond to complaints or questions on wetland jurisdiction, providing information or clarification.
- Revisit land users to view implemented land use practices or plans.
- Review proposed wetland restoration easements or provide technical recommendations.
- Implement soil or water management techniques, such as nutrient management, erosion control, buffers, or filter strips, in accordance with conservation plans.
- Review annual reports of counties, conservation districts, or watershed management organizations, certifying compliance with mandated reporting requirements.
- Provide information, knowledge, expertise, or training to government agencies at all levels to solve water or soil management problems or to assure coordination of resource protection activities.
- Compute design specifications for implementation of conservation practices, using survey or field information technical guides or engineering manuals.
- Visit areas affected by erosion problems to identify causes or determine solutions.
- Conduct fact-finding or mediation sessions among government units, landowners, or other agencies to resolve disputes.
- Develop or maintain working relationships with local government staff or board members.
- Initiate, schedule, or conduct annual audits or compliance checks of program implementation by local government.
- Participate on work teams to plan, develop, or implement programs or policies for improving environmental habitats, wetlands, or groundwater or soil resources.
- Review or approve amendments to comprehensive local water plans or conservation district plans.
- Monitor projects during or after construction to ensure projects conform to design specifications.
- Develop, conduct, or participate in surveys, studies, or investigations of various land uses to inform corrective action plans.
- Evaluate or recommend geographic information systems (GIS) applications to address issues such as surface water quality, groundwater quality, ecological risk assessments, air quality, or environmental contamination.
- Analyze results of investigations to determine measures needed to maintain or restore proper soil management.
- Advise land users, such as farmers or ranchers, on plans, problems, or alternative conservation solutions.
- Manage field offices or involve staff in cooperative ventures.
- Identify or recommend integrated weed and pest management (IPM) strategies, such as resistant plants, cultural or behavioral controls, soil amendments, insects, natural enemies, barriers, or pesticides.
- Provide access to programs or training to assist in completion of government groundwater protection plans.
- Plan soil management or conservation practices, such as crop rotation, reforestation, permanent vegetation, contour plowing, or terracing, to maintain soil or conserve water.
- Survey property to mark locations or measurements, using surveying instruments.
- Compile or interpret biodata to determine extent or type of wetlands or to aid in program formulation.
- Calculate or compare efficiencies associated with changing from low-precision irrigation technologies, such as furrow irrigation, to high-precision technologies, such as computer-controlled systems.
Related Technology & Tools
- Desktop computers
- Digital cameras
- Laser distance measurement systems
- Personal computers
- Water samplers
- Dumpy levels
- Theodolites
- Global positioning system GPS receivers
- Dutch augers
- Total stations
- Laptop computers
- Delft GeoSystems MStab
- Microsoft Access
- Mitre Software GSLOPE
- Web browser software
- Microsoft Office
- Studio of Analytical Models STANMOD
- Landscape Management System LMS
- Clover Technology GALENA
- Interstudio Geo-Tec B
- ESRI ArcInfo
- CropSyst Suite
- U.S. Department of Agriculture USDA Forest Vegetation Simulator FVS
- U.S. Department of Agriculture USDA WinSRM
- Email software
- State Soil Geographic STATSGO Database
- Microsoft Word
- ESRI ArcView
- Datasurge GEOPRO
- CroPMan
- Salix Applied Earthcare Erosion Draw
- ESRI ArcGIS software
- Water Soil and Hydro-Environmental Decision Support System WATERSHEDSS
- Autodesk AutoCAD
- Microsoft PowerPoint
- Water resources databases
- Microsoft Excel