Will “Wholesale Agronomist” be Replaced By Robots? 🤔
2.1% Chance of Automation
“Wholesale Agronomist” will not be replaced by robots.
This job is ranked #86 out of #702. A higher ranking (i.e., a lower number) means the job is less likely to be replaced.
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Job Description
Conduct research in breeding, physiology, production, yield, and management of crops and agricultural plants or trees, shrubs, and nursery stock, their growth in soils, and control of pests; or study the chemical, physical, biological, and mineralogical composition of soils as they relate to plant or crop growth. May classify and map soils and investigate effects of alternative practices on soil and crop productivity.
Job Details
- The SOC (Standard Occupational Classification) code is 19-1013.00
- The Mean Annual Wage in the U.S. is $ 69,290.00
- The Mean Hourly Wage is $ 33.00
- Currently, there are 14,690 people on this job
☝️ Information based on the reference occupation “Soil and Plant Scientists”.
Also Known As…
- Soil and Plant Scientists
- Soil Scientist
- Soil Fertility Extension Specialist
- Research Soil Scientist
- On-Site Soil Evaluator
- Microbiology Soil Scientist
- Extension Specialist
- Crop Nutrition Scientist
- Agronomy Specialist
- Agronomy Research Manager
- Agronomist
- Viticulturist
- Technical Agronomist
- Soil Specialist
- Soil Expert
- Scientist Propagator
- Pomologist
- Plant Physiologist
- Plant Pathologist
- Plant Breeder Scientist
- Plant Breeder
- Plant Anatomist
- Hybrid Corn Breeder
- Horticulturist
- Floriculturist
- Field Research Assistant
- Entomologist
- Cotton Breeder
- Corn Breeder
- Botanist
- Arborist
- Arboriculturist
- Arboreal Scientist
- Apiculturist
- Agriculturist
Tasks for “Wholesale Agronomist”
- Provide information or recommendations to farmers or other landowners regarding ways in which they can best use land, promote plant growth, or avoid or correct problems such as erosion.
- Research technical requirements or environmental impacts of urban green spaces, such as green roof installations.
- Conduct experiments regarding causes of bee diseases or factors affecting yields of nectar or pollen.
- Conduct experiments to develop new or improved varieties of field crops, focusing on characteristics such as yield, quality, disease resistance, nutritional value, or adaptation to specific soils or climates.
- Develop ways of altering soils to suit different types of plants.
- Provide advice regarding the development of regulatory standards for land reclamation or soil conservation.
- Perform chemical analyses of the microorganism content of soils to determine microbial reactions or chemical mineralogical relationships to plant growth.
- Communicate research or project results to other professionals or the public or teach related courses, seminars, or workshops.
- Plan or supervise waste management programs for composting or farming.
- Identify degraded or contaminated soils and develop plans to improve their chemical, biological, or physical characteristics.
- Study insect distribution or habitat and recommend methods to prevent importation or spread of injurious species.
- Conduct experiments investigating how soil forms, changes, or interacts with land-based ecosystems or living organisms.
- Develop new or improved methods or products for controlling or eliminating weeds, crop diseases, or insect pests.
- Survey undisturbed or disturbed lands for classification, inventory, mapping, environmental impact assessments, environmental protection planning, conservation planning, or reclamation planning.
- Consult with engineers or other technical personnel working on construction projects about the effects of soil problems and possible solutions to these problems.
- Investigate responses of soils to specific management practices to determine the use capabilities of soils and the effects of alternative practices on soil productivity.
- Plan or supervise land conservation or reclamation programs for industrial development projects.
- Investigate responses of soils to specific management practices to determine the effects of alternative practices on the environment.
- Identify or classify species of insects or allied forms, such as mites or spiders.
- Develop improved measurement techniques, soil conservation methods, soil sampling devices, or related technology.
- Investigate soil problems or poor water quality to determine sources and effects.
- Develop methods of conserving or managing soil that can be applied by farmers or forestry companies.
- Conduct research into the use of plant species as green fuels or in the production of green fuels.
- Conduct research to determine best methods of planting, spraying, cultivating, harvesting, storing, processing, or transporting horticultural products.
- Study ways to improve agricultural sustainability, such as the use of new methods of composting.
- Develop environmentally safe methods or products for controlling or eliminating weeds, crop diseases, or insect pests.
- Study soil characteristics to classify soils on the basis of factors such as geographic location, landscape position, or soil properties.
Related Technology & Tools
- Precision balances
- Canopy analyzers
- Atomic absorption AA spectrometers
- Graduated glass cylinders
- pH indicators
- Reciprocating shaker water baths
- Laboratory growth chambers
- Mass spectrometers
- Infrared cameras
- Calibrated soil scoops
- Laptop computers
- Heat flux plates
- X ray fluorescence XRF spectrometers
- Polarizing microscopes
- Conductivity meters
- Global positioning system GPS receivers
- Digital cameras
- Laboratory grinders
- Laboratory mixers
- Spectrophotometers
- Hand augers
- Microtiter plate readers
- Polymerase chain reaction PCR equipment
- High speed centrifuges
- Ion chromatographs
- Erlenmeyer flasks
- Light detection and ranging LIDAR systems
- Gamma ray spectrometers
- Ground penetrating radar GPR
- Flame photometers
- Laminar flow hoods
- Electron microscopes
- Laboratory sieves
- Soil analysis hydrometers
- Refrigerated microfuges
- Glass beakers
- Laboratory muffle furnaces
- Personal digital assistants PDA
- Cell tissue culture incubators
- Personal computers
- Sample containers
- Luminometers
- Osmometers
- Soil moisture neutron probes
- Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometers ICP-AES
- Epifluorescence microscopes
- Psychrometers
- Glass flasks
- Digital pH meters
- Laser particle sizers
- Circulating water baths
- Soil augers
- Gel dryers
- Laboratory test tubes
- Dataloggers
- Laboratory drying ovens
- Colorimeters
- Autosamplers
- Gel documentation systems
- Organic carbon analyzers
- Tensiometers
- Synthetic aperture radar SAR
- Fluorimeters
- Desktop computers
- Thermocouples
- Gel electrophoresis systems
- Porometers
- Soil thermometers
- Hot water shaking baths
- Infrared gas analyzers
- Lysimeters
- LandSerf
- Microsoft Office
- R
- Microsoft Excel
- Leica Geosystems ERDAS IMAGINE
- Geographic information system GIS software
- Microsoft PowerPoint
- Variogram Estimation and Spatial Prediction plus Error Vesper
- Water Erosion Prediction Project WEPP
- PC-Progress HYDRUS
- ESRI ArcGIS software
- Microsoft Word
- PedonCE
- Soil information databases
- National Soil Information System NASIS
- European Soil Erosion Model EUROSEM
- S-GeMS
- SoilVision Systems SVOFFICE
- Autodesk AutoCAD
- GAEA Technologies WinSieve
- Erosion Productivity Impact Calculator EPIC
- National Resources Conservation Service NRCS PEDON Description Program PDP
- 3dMapper
- Microsoft Access
- National Resources Conservation Service NRCS Soils Explorer
- Gstat