Will “Reactor Engineer” be Replaced By Robots? 🤔
7% Chance of Automation
“Reactor Engineer” will almost certainly not be replaced by robots.
This job is ranked #153 out of #702. A higher ranking (i.e., a lower number) means the job is less likely to be replaced.
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Job Description
Conduct research on nuclear engineering projects or apply principles and theory of nuclear science to problems concerned with release, control, and use of nuclear energy and nuclear waste disposal.
Job Details
- The SOC (Standard Occupational Classification) code is 17-2161.00
- The Mean Annual Wage in the U.S. is $ 105,950.00
- The Mean Hourly Wage is $ 50.00
- Currently, there are 17,680 people on this job
☝️ Information based on the reference occupation “Nuclear Engineers”.
Also Known As…
- Nuclear Engineers
- System Engineer
- Scientist
- Resident Inspector
- Nuclear Reactor Engineer
- Nuclear Licensing Engineer
- Nuclear Engineer
- Nuclear Design Engineer
- Generation Engineer
- Engineer
- Criticality Safety Engineer
- Weapons Engineer
- Weapons Designer
- Risk and Reliability Engineer
- Responsible System Engineer
- Regulatory Coordinator
- Reactor Projects Engineer
- Radiological Engineer
- Radiological Defense Officer
- Radioactive Materials Waste Management Engineer
- Radiation Protection Engineer
- Radiation Officer
- Radiation Engineer
- Nuclear Waste Management Engineer
- Nuclear Test Reactor Program Coordinator
- Nuclear Steam Supply System Engineer (NSSS Engineer)
- Nuclear Standards Director
- Nuclear Safety Engineer
- Nuclear Reactor Inspector
- Nuclear Radiation Engineer
- Nuclear Process Engineer
- Nuclear Power Plant Engineer
- Nuclear Plant Technical Advisor
- Nuclear Officer
- Nuclear Fuels Research Engineer
- Nuclear Fuels Reclamation Engineer
- Nuclear Equipment Test Engineer
- Nuclear Equipment Research Engineer
- Nuclear Equipment Design Engineer
- Nuclear Criticality Safety Engineer
- Engineering Officer
- Core Measures Abstractor
- Atomic Process Engineer
Tasks for “Reactor Engineer”
- Initiate corrective actions or order plant shutdowns in emergency situations.
- Synthesize analyses of test results, and use the results to prepare technical reports of findings and recommendations.
- Design or oversee construction or operation of nuclear reactors or power plants or nuclear fuels reprocessing and reclamation systems.
- Direct environmental compliance activities associated with nuclear plant operations or maintenance.
- Write operational instructions to be used in nuclear plant operation or nuclear fuel or waste handling and disposal.
- Examine accidents to obtain data that can be used to design preventive measures.
- Develop or contribute to the development of plans to remediate or restore environments affected by nuclear radiation, such as waste disposal sites.
- Direct operating or maintenance activities of operational nuclear power plants to ensure efficiency and conformity to safety standards.
- Prepare construction project proposals that include cost estimates, and discuss proposals with interested parties such as vendors, contractors, and nuclear facility review boards.
- Design fuel cycle models or processes to reduce the quantity of radioactive waste generated from nuclear activities.
- Analyze available data and consult with other scientists to determine parameters of experimentation and suitability of analytical models.
- Monitor nuclear facility operations to identify any design, construction, or operation practices that violate safety regulations and laws or that could jeopardize the safety of operations.
- Conduct tests of nuclear fuel behavior and cycles or performance of nuclear machinery and equipment to optimize performance of existing plants.
- Keep abreast of developments and changes in the nuclear field by reading technical journals or by independent study and research.
- Design or develop nuclear equipment, such as reactor cores, radiation shielding, or associated instrumentation or control mechanisms.
- Prepare environmental impact statements, reports, or presentations for regulatory or other agencies.
- Conduct environmental studies related to topics such as nuclear power generation, nuclear waste disposal, or nuclear weapon deployment.
- Recommend preventive measures to be taken in the handling of nuclear technology, based on data obtained from operations monitoring or from evaluation of test results.
- Perform experiments that will provide information about acceptable methods of nuclear material usage, nuclear fuel reclamation, or waste disposal.
- Design and direct nuclear research projects to discover facts, to test or modify theoretical models, or to develop new theoretical models or new uses for current models.
Related Technology & Tools
- Respirators
- Desktop computers
- Anticontamination clothing
- Face masks
- Personal computers
- Reactivity computer systems
- Nuclear wireline logging instruments
- Mathematical simulation software
- Data entry software
- Microsoft PowerPoint
- Scientech WinNUPRA
- Discrete ordinates DORT dose assessment computer codes
- Desktop publishing software
- The MathWorks MATLAB
- Scientech Safety Monitor
- Presentation software
- Monte Carlo simulation software
- Microsoft Word
- Spreadsheet software
- INCORE code
- Microsoft Excel
- BERMUDA nuclear transport computer codes
- Transient reactor analysis code TRAC
- SCALE ORIGEN-S point depletion and decay code
- Relational database software
- QAD shielding computer code
- Computer aided design CAD software
- Word processing software
- Graphics software
- FOLLOW code
- MERCURE dose assessment computer codes
- Reactor excursion and release analysis program RELAP
- Mathsoft Mathcad
- Probabilistic risk assessment PRA software
- ANISN dose assessment computer code
- Maplesoft Maple
- MCNP dose assessment computer code
- TOTE code
- C++
- Formula translation/translator FORTRAN
- Microsoft Office
- MORSE-CG dose assessment computer code