Will “Design Cell Engineer” be Replaced By Robots? 🤔
Unknown Chance of Automation
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Job Description
Design, evaluate, modify, or construct fuel cell components or systems for transportation, stationary, or portable applications.
Job Details
- The SOC (Standard Occupational Classification) code is 17-2141.01
☝️ Information based on the reference occupation “Fuel Cell Engineers”.
Also Known As…
- Fuel Cell Engineers
- Senior Stack Engineer
- Senior Scientist
- Senior Research Engineer
- Senior Engineer
- Scientist/Engineer
- Research Engineer
- Professor of Chemical Engineering
- Engineering Professor
- Division Director
- Director, Hydrogen Storage Engineering
- Subsystems Engineer
- Mobile Battery Technician
- Fuel Cell Test Engineer
- Fuel Cell Systems Engineer
- Fuel Cell Engineer
- Fuel Cell Designer
- Fuel Cell Battery Technician
- Battery Technician
- Alternative Energy Technician
Tasks for “Design Cell Engineer”
- Identify or define vehicle and system integration challenges for fuel cell vehicles.
- Validate design of fuel cells, fuel cell components, or fuel cell systems.
- Integrate electric drive subsystems with other vehicle systems to optimize performance or mitigate faults.
- Analyze fuel cell or related test data, using statistical software.
- Conduct fuel cell testing projects, using fuel cell test stations, analytical instruments, or electrochemical diagnostics, such as cyclic voltammetry or impedance spectroscopy.
- Evaluate the power output, system cost, or environmental impact of new hydrogen or non-hydrogen fuel cell system designs.
- Recommend or implement changes to fuel cell system designs.
- Design or implement fuel cell testing or development programs.
- Develop fuel cell materials or fuel cell test equipment.
- Calculate the efficiency or power output of a fuel cell system or process.
- Manage fuel cell battery hybrid system architecture, including sizing of components, such as fuel cells, energy storage units, or electric drives.
- Prepare test stations, instrumentation, or data acquisition systems for use in specific tests of fuel cell components or systems.
- Conduct post-service or failure analyses, using electromechanical diagnostic principles or procedures.
- Provide technical consultation or direction related to the development or production of fuel cell systems.
- Simulate or model fuel cell, motor, or other system information, using simulation software programs.
- Coordinate fuel cell engineering or test schedules with departments outside engineering, such as manufacturing.
- Develop or evaluate systems or methods of hydrogen storage for fuel cell applications.
- Plan or conduct experiments to validate new materials, optimize startup protocols, reduce conditioning time, or examine contaminant tolerance.
- Fabricate prototypes of fuel cell components, assemblies, stacks, or systems.
- Write technical reports or proposals related to engineering projects.
- Design fuel cell systems, subsystems, stacks, assemblies, or components, such as electric traction motors or power electronics.
- Authorize release of fuel cell parts, components, or subsystems for production.
- Characterize component or fuel cell performances by generating operating maps, defining operating conditions, identifying design refinements, or executing durability assessments.
- Define specifications for fuel cell materials.
- Read current literature, attend meetings or conferences, or talk with colleagues to stay abreast of new technology or competitive products.
- Plan or implement fuel cell cost reduction or product improvement projects in collaboration with other engineers, suppliers, support personnel, or customers.
Related Technology & Tools
- Gravity convection ovens
- Power analyzers
- Laboratory glove boxes
- High temperature tube furnaces
- Microbalances
- X ray fluorescence XRF spectrometers
- Laboratory vacuum ovens
- Laptop computers
- Fuel cell test stands
- X ray crystallography equipment
- Laboratory ball mills
- Surface area analyzers
- Load boxes
- Flow reactors
- Fourier transfer infrared FTIR spectrometers
- Mass spectrometers
- Differential scanning calorimeters
- High pressure liquid chromatographs HPLC
- Thermovolumetric analyzers TVA
- Digital sonifiers
- Desktop computers
- Infrared IR spectrophotometers
- Molding presses
- Personal computers
- Induction furnaces
- Programmable logic controllers PLC
- Dilatometers
- Ultrasonic blenders
- X ray photoelectric spectroscopes
- Frequency response analyzers
- Scanning spectrophotometers
- Transmission electron microscopes TEM
- Thermal gravimetric analyzers
- Scanning electron microscopes SEM
- Gas chromatography equipment
- Portable emissions analyzers
- Fluorescence detectors
- Flame ionization detectors FID
- C++
- Minitab
- Microsoft Excel
- National Instruments LabVIEW
- Microsoft PowerPoint
- The MathWorks Simulink
- Ansoft Simplorer
- Gaussian software
- Gaussian GaussView
- Supervisory control and data acquisition SCADA software
- Statistical software
- GE Energy GateCycle
- Microsoft Office
- Failure mode and effects analysis FMEA software
- FactSage
- Maplesoft Maple
- Autodesk AutoCAD
- Wolfram Research Mathematica
- Wind River Systems C/C++ Compiler Suite
- Microsoft Word
- C