Will “Mandolin Repair Person” be Replaced By Robots? 🤔
91% Chance of Automation
“Mandolin Repair Person” will probably be replaced by robots.
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Job Description
Repair percussion, stringed, reed, or wind instruments. May specialize in one area, such as piano tuning.
Job Details
- The SOC (Standard Occupational Classification) code is 49-9063.00
- The Mean Annual Wage in the U.S. is $ 37,690.00
- The Mean Hourly Wage is $ 18.00
- Currently, there are 7,980 people on this job
☝️ Information based on the reference occupation “Musical Instrument Repairers and Tuners”.
Also Known As…
- Musical Instrument Repairers and Tuners
- Stringed Instrument Repairer
- Piano Tuner
- Piano Technician
- Luthier
- Instrument Repair Technician
- Guitar Repairer
- Fretted String Instrument Repairer
- Brass Instrument Repair Technician
- Banjo Repair Person
- Voicer
- Violin Repairer
- Violin Mechanic
- Tone Regulator
- Stringed Instrument Tuner
- Reed or Wind Instrument Tuner
- Reed or Wind Instrument Repairer
- Player Piano Technician
- Pipe Organ Tuner and Repairer
- Pipe Organ Technician
- Pipe Organ Mechanic Apprentice
- Pipe Organ Mechanic
- Pipe Organ Installer
- Piccolo Mechanic
- Piano Regulator-Inspector
- Piano Regulator
- Piano Mechanic Apprentice
- Piano Mechanic
- Percussion Instrument Tuner
- Percussion Instrument Repairer
- Organ Tuner
- Organ Pipe Voicer
- Organ Installer
- Organ Fixer
- Musical Instrument Mechanic
- Metal Reed Tuner
- Mandolin Repairer
- Mandolin Repair Person
- Keyboard Instrument Tuner
- Keyboard Instrument Repairer
- Harp Regulator
- Guitar Technician
- Fretted Instrument Repairer
- Fabrication Technician
- Chip Tuner
- Brass and Wind Instrument Repairer
- Bow Rehairer
- Banjo Repairer
- Band Instrument Repairer
- Accordion Tuner
- Accordion Repairer
Tasks for “Mandolin Repair Person”
- Place rim hoops back onto drum shells to allow new drumheads to dry and become taut.
- Repair or replace musical instrument parts and components, such as strings, bridges, felts, and keys, using hand and power tools.
- Refinish and polish piano cabinets or cases to prepare them for sale.
- Strike wood, fiberglass, or metal bars of instruments, and use tuned blocks, stroboscopes, or electronic tuners to evaluate tones made by instruments.
- Assemble and install new pipe organs and pianos in buildings.
- Refinish instruments to protect and decorate them, using hand tools, buffing tools, and varnish.
- Remove irregularities from tuning pins, strings, and hammers of pianos, using wood blocks or filing tools.
- Solder posts and parts to hold them in their proper places.
- Play instruments to evaluate their sound quality and to locate any defects.
- Inspect instruments to locate defects, and to determine their value or the level of restoration required.
- Repair breaks in percussion instruments such as drums and cymbals, using drill presses, power saws, glue, clamps, grinding wheels, or other hand tools.
- Remove drumheads by removing tension rods with drum keys and cutting tools.
- Solder or weld frames of mallet instruments and metal drum parts.
- Disassemble instruments and parts for repair and adjustment.
- Deliver pianos to purchasers or to locations of their use.
- Stretch drumheads over rim hoops and tuck them around and under the hoops, using hand tucking tools.
- File metal reeds until their pitches correspond with standard tuning bar pitches.
- Wash metal instruments in lacquer-stripping and cyanide solutions to remove lacquer and tarnish.
- Repair cracks in wood or metal instruments, using pinning wire, lathes, fillers, clamps, or soldering irons.
- Align pads and keys on reed or wind instruments.
- Mix and measure glue that will be used for instrument repair.
- String instruments, and adjust trusses and bridges of instruments to obtain specified string tensions and heights.
- Make wood replacement parts, using woodworking machines and hand tools.
- Compare instrument pitches with tuning tool pitches to tune instruments.
- Polish instruments, using rags and polishing compounds, buffing wheels, or burnishing tools.
- Adjust felt hammers on pianos to increase tonal mellowness or brilliance, using sanding paddles, lacquer, or needles.
- Shape old parts and replacement parts to improve tone or intonation, using hand tools, lathes, or soldering irons.
- Remove material from bars of percussion instruments to obtain specified tones, using bandsaws, sanding machines, machine grinders, or hand files and scrapers.
- Cut out sections around cracks on percussion instruments to prevent cracks from advancing, using shears or grinding wheels.
- Adjust string tensions to tune instruments, using hand tools and electronic tuning devices.
- Clean, sand, and paint parts of percussion instruments to maintain their condition.
- Reassemble instruments following repair, using hand tools and power tools and glue, hair, yarn, resin, or clamps, and lubricate instruments as necessary.
- Test tubes and pickups in electronic amplifier units, and solder parts and connections as necessary.
- Replace xylophone bars and wheels.
- Cut new drumheads from animal skins, using scissors, and soak drumheads in water to make them pliable.
- Remove dents and burrs from metal instruments, using mallets and burnishing tools.
- Assemble bars onto percussion instruments.
Related Technology & Tools
- Socket reamers
- Capstan screw wrenches
- Vise grip pliers
- Glue guns
- Piano leveling devices
- Rat tail files
- Diagonal cutters
- Dent hammers
- Pointed awls
- String action gauges
- Telescoping magnetic pickup tools
- Spool clamps
- Chamfer tools
- Bench blocks
- Looping machines
- Capstan regulators
- Feeler gauge holders
- Deep throat C clamps
- Hand planes
- Cold chisels
- Arch punches
- Wax spoons
- Bench grinders
- File cleaners
- Pocket truss rod wrenches
- Cam clamps
- Piano tuning pin cranks
- Center pin punches
- Die stocks
- Damper rod hooks
- Burnishing rings
- Digital tuners
- Piano tuning pin extractors
- Heat control units
- Curved nose pliers
- Damper spoon benders
- Flute gauges
- Air hoses
- Grand piano jacks
- Guitar humidifiers
- Flange bushing reamers
- Hammer head borers
- Hex drivers
- Micrometers
- Glue brushes
- Nut files
- Flute key leveling tools
- Key dip blocks
- Blowpipes
- Flange screwdrivers
- Bushing inserters
- Mag machines
- Bracket hex wrenches
- Dollies
- Hart spring tools
- Bending irons
- Fingerboard band clamps
- Bench lathes
- String hooks
- Wire drill gauges
- Hammer shank reducers
- Nut drivers
- Barrel reamers
- Soldering irons
- Saddle locating jigs
- Jaw pliers
- Torque wrenches
- Hand sprayers
- Agraffe removers
- Tuning pin bushing punches
- Curved nose forceps
- Mallets
- Wood chisels
- Flute head mandrels
- Cross-cut saws
- String height gauges
- Valve lapping machines
- Precision spray guns
- Belt sanders
- Arbors
- Power buffers
- Cross lock tweezers
- Coil makers
- Pin hole reamers
- Heat staking tools
- Magnetizers
- Alcohol lamps
- Glue pots
- Heat guns
- Jack spring hole reamers
- Razor files
- Grand screwdrivers
- Electronic tuners
- Needle files
- Soundhole clamps
- Broaches
- Post drilling jigs
- Pearl cutting saws
- Scissor jacks
- Top deflection gauges
- Band clamps
- Fingerboard levelers
- Gram weights
- Hammer butt spacers
- Thread cutting tools
- Hand planers
- Sharp leveling and key-dip devices
- Hammer angle protractors
- Drill gauges
- Sprayer compressors
- Loupes
- Drill presses
- Surface thermometers
- Disc sanders
- Magnifiers
- Tweezers
- Power drills
- Piano regulators
- Soldering clamps
- Piano key spacers
- Endpin jack wrenches
- Pin vises
- Adjustable C clamps
- String spacing rules
- Wire cutters
- Bridge pin hole slotting saws
- Edging clamps
- Automated sprayers
- Clarinet pad leveling tools
- Tenon expanders
- Sand blasters
- Action regulators
- Refret saws
- Tone hole cutters
- Key easing tools
- Dial calipers
- Regulating screwdrivers
- Bench brushes
- Rulers
- Pencil torches
- Torx drivers
- Buffing machines
- Tuning forks
- Spring punches
- Valve brushes
- Gripper truss rod wrenches
- Magnetic scribers
- Portable band saws
- Valve mirrors
- Bench motors
- Screw slotters
- Gauged saws
- Fret rockers
- Tuning hammers
- Scraper burnishers
- Bench oilers
- Precision oilers
- Pad cup heaters
- Tinners snips
- Felt cutters
- Brass mouthpiece brushes
- Power sanders
- Rip saws
- Long flat nose pliers
- Spring cutters
- Screw pitch thread gauges
- Tuning pins
- Duck bill pliers
- Hammer head reamers
- Felt cutting knives
- Bore cleaning brushes
- Nut slotting gauges
- Fret end dressing files
- Gram tension gauges
- Tubing shrinkers
- Feeler gauges
- Adjustable fret slotting saws
- Key bushing tighteners
- Neck jigs
- Regulating gauges
- Bore tools
- Alligator forceps
- Tuning pin setters
- Music wire gauges
- Fret dressing sticks
- Screwdrivers
- Understring radius gauges
- Fret slot depth gauges
- End cut nippers
- Routers
- Height measurement gauges
- Hammer angle gauges
- Slotted screwdrivers
- String lifters
- Inspection mirrors
- Tuning pin gauges
- Damper regulators
- Flute pad irons
- Punching lifters
- Alignment jigs
- Ball-end hex keys
- Punches
- Japanese fret saws
- Jack screw regulators
- Butane heaters
- Fret files
- Neck relief gauges
- Output jack wrenches
- Fluorescent lamps
- Screw gauges
- Seam separation knives
- Hammers
- Tap wrenches
- Chain nose pliers
- Piano stringing hooks
- Violin clamps
- Key button jigs
- Piano tuning pin punches
- Blow torches
- Pencil magnets
- Hand burnishers
- Allen wrenches
- Air dusting guns
- Countersinks
- Bunsen burners
- Incandescent lamps
- Soldering clips
- Dent machines
- Tuning levers
- Curved nose scissors
- Digital humidity gauges
- Calipers
- Leak lights
- Lost motion regulators
- Telescoping gauges
- Radius gauges
- Bench anvils
- Hacksaws
- Spark lighters
- Hand drills
- Butt plate inserters
- Soldering jigs
- Oilers
- Flute body mandrels
- Purfling cutters
- Tuning wrenches
- Multimeters
- Flat nose pliers
- Screw extractors
- Chemical dip tanks
- Reyburn CyberTuner
- Mensurix Audio
- Katsura Shareware KS Strobe Tuner
- Katsura Shareware SoundFrames
- Tunic OnlyPure
- Veritune Verituner
- TuneLab
- Katsura Shareware ProLevel