Will “Micro Electrical/Mechanical Systems Device Scientist (MEMS Device Scientist)” be Replaced By Robots? 🤔
2.1% Chance of Automation
“Micro Electrical/Mechanical Systems Device Scientist (MEMS Device Scientist)” will not be replaced by robots.
This job is ranked #87 out of #702. A higher ranking (i.e., a lower number) means the job is less likely to be replaced.
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Job Description
Research and study the structures and chemical properties of various natural and synthetic or composite materials, including metals, alloys, rubber, ceramics, semiconductors, polymers, and glass. Determine ways to strengthen or combine materials or develop new materials with new or specific properties for use in a variety of products and applications. Includes glass scientists, ceramic scientists, metallurgical scientists, and polymer scientists.
Job Details
- The SOC (Standard Occupational Classification) code is 19-2032.00
- The Mean Annual Wage in the U.S. is $ 101,570.00
- The Mean Hourly Wage is $ 48.00
- Currently, there are 7,750 people on this job
☝️ Information based on the reference occupation “Materials Scientists”.
Also Known As…
- Materials Scientists
- Vice President Research
- Technology Officer
- Staff Scientist
- Staff Research Scientist
- Senior Materials Scientist
- Research Scientist
- Research and Development Scientist (R and D Scientist)
- Polymer Materials Consultant
- Materials Scientist
- Polymer Specialist
- Plastics Scientist
- Nanotechnologist
- Micro Electrical/Mechanical Systems Device Scientist (MEMS Device Scientist)
- Metal Alloy Scientist
- Accelerator Systems Director
Tasks for “Micro Electrical/Mechanical Systems Device Scientist (MEMS Device Scientist)”
- Supervise and monitor production processes to ensure efficient use of equipment, timely changes to specifications, and project completion within time frame and budget.
- Test metals to determine conformance to specifications of mechanical strength, strength-weight ratio, ductility, magnetic and electrical properties, and resistance to abrasion, corrosion, heat, and cold.
- Visit suppliers of materials or users of products to gather specific information.
- Teach in colleges and universities.
- Test material samples for tolerance under tension, compression, and shear to determine the cause of metal failures.
- Perform experiments and computer modeling to study the nature, structure, and physical and chemical properties of metals and their alloys, and their responses to applied forces.
- Test individual parts and products to ensure that manufacturer and governmental quality and safety standards are met.
- Prepare reports, manuscripts, proposals, and technical manuals for use by other scientists and requestors, such as sponsors and customers.
- Devise testing methods to evaluate the effects of various conditions on particular materials.
- Recommend materials for reliable performance in various environments.
- Conduct research on the structures and properties of materials, such as metals, alloys, polymers, and ceramics, to obtain information that could be used to develop new products or enhance existing ones.
- Determine ways to strengthen or combine materials or develop new materials with new or specific properties for use in a variety of products and applications.
- Plan laboratory experiments to confirm feasibility of processes and techniques used in the production of materials having special characteristics.
- Confer with customers to determine how to tailor materials to their needs.
- Research methods of processing, forming, and firing materials to develop such products as ceramic dental fillings, unbreakable dinner plates, and telescope lenses.
Related Technology & Tools
- Raman scattering spectroscopes
- Hot mounting presses
- Spectrophotometers
- Shaker ball mills
- Scratch testers
- Titanium autoclaves
- Muffle furnaces
- Dynamic actuators
- Fourier transform infrared FTIR spectrometers
- Scanning electron microscopes SEM
- Sputter deposition systems
- Slurry abrasion testers
- Hot isostatic presses
- Differential thermal analyzers
- Box furnaces
- Theta-theta diffractometers
- Auger electron spectrometers
- High vacuum evaporation systems
- Neutron reflectometers
- Annealing ovens
- Accelerometers
- Reactive ion etchers RIE
- Capillary rheometers
- Grinding spindles
- Swaging tools
- Sonic modulus testers
- Optical profilometers
- Industrial computed tomography CT scanners
- Capacitance manometers
- Field emission scanning electron microscopes
- Stylus profilometers
- Differential scanning calorimeters
- Transmission electron microscopes TEM
- Induction furnaces
- Dynamic light scattering equipment
- Ultra microbalances
- Static actuators
- Ellipsometers
- Laboratory water purification systems
- Diamond wafering saws
- Quartz crystal microbalances
- Crystal growers
- Glove box systems
- Plate viscometers
- Horizontal tube furnaces
- Personal computers
- Optical compound microscopes
- X ray generators
- Interferometric microscopes
- Stereo microscopes
- Spectrofluorimeters
- Profilometers
- Digital oscilloscopes
- Vibrating sample magnetometers
- Ultrasonic analyzers
- Peltier cooled solid-state detectors
- Injection molding machines
- Load cells
- Extruding machines
- Thermal gravimetric analyzers
- Double push rod dilatometers
- Multisample autoclaves
- Tape casters
- Linear variable differential transformers LVDT
- Ball-on-disk tribometers
- Function generators
- Atomic force microscopes
- Semi-microbalances
- Laser interferometers
- Electrolytic etching machines
- Impact testers
- Gas chromatograph mass spectrometers GC-MS
- UV exposure chambers
- Microscope digital cameras
- Cone viscometers
- Thermal spray torches
- X ray diffractometers
- Ultra high temperature furnaces
- Ultrasonic cleaners
- Screw injection molding machines
- Mobile mass spectrometers
- Scanning tunneling microscopes STM
- Macrohardness testers
- Vibratory polishers
- Semiautomatic grinders
- Contact angle goniometers
- Secondary ion mass spectrometers SIMS
- Pore sizers
- Servohydraulic test machines
- Electrode furnaces
- Mossbauer spectroscopes
- Ion analyzers
- Imaging ellipsometers
- High-vacuum manifolds
- Plasma arc melting furnaces
- Metal evaporation chambers
- Blungers
- Metallographic microscopes
- Charge-coupled device CCD cameras
- Ultraprecision lathes
- Dynamic mechanical analyzers DMA
- Safety glasses
- Creep testing equipment
- Safety goggles
- Manual grinders
- Nanoscope atomic force microscopes
- Spectrum analyzers
- Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometers ICP-MS
- Desktop computers
- Freeze dryers
- Erosion testers
- Sedigraphs
- Computerized numerical control CNC machining centers
- Potentiostats
- Quartz crystal thickness monitors
- Rotational viscometers
- Microcalorimeters
- Fume hoods
- Petrographic microscopes
- Scanning probe microscopes SPM
- Dilatometers
- Ball mills
- Backscatter detectors
- High-speed cutoff saws
- Atomic absorption AA spectroscopes
- Gamma ray spectrometers
- Dielectric spectrometers
- Cold isostatic presses
- Programmable logic controllers PLC
- Pulverizers
- Scanning Kelvin probes
- Nitrogen furnaces
- Tube furnaces
- Hydraulic presses
- Laboratory analytical balances
- Salt spray chambers
- Laptop computers
- General Structural Analysis System GSAS
- SolidWorks COSMOSWorks
- ESM Software CrystalMaker
- Web browser software
- The MathWorks MATLAB
- Dassault Systemes Abaqus
- Microsoft Word
- National Instruments LabVIEW
- R
- Olympus Image Analysis
- Wolfram Research Mathematica
- Advanced Chemistry Development Analytical Laboratory
- Multichannel microelectrode analyzer MMA software
- Email software
- Stewart Computational Chemistry MOPAC
- Maplesoft Maple
- Accelrys Materials Studio
- PANalytical X'Pert Data Collector
- Bruker AXS TOPAS
- Microsoft PowerPoint
- PWscf
- PANalytical X'Pert Epitaxy
- Bruker AXS EVA
- Chempute Software HSC Chemistry
- ANSYS Multiphysics
- Materials Data Incorporated Jade
- Microsoft Excel
- International Centre for Diffraction Data ICDD DDView