Will “Flight Attendant/Inflight Supervisor” be Replaced By Robots? 🤔
0 % Chance of Automation
“Flight Attendant/Inflight Supervisor” will never be replaced by robots.
This job is ranked #250 out of #702. A higher ranking (i.e., a lower number) means the job is less likely to be replaced.
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Job Description
Provide personal services to ensure the safety, security, and comfort of airline passengers during flight. Greet passengers, verify tickets, explain use of safety equipment, and serve food or beverages.
Job Details
- The SOC (Standard Occupational Classification) code is 53-2031.00
- The Mean Annual Wage in the U.S. is $ 51,620.00
- The Mean Hourly Wage is $ 0.00
- Currently, there are 113,390 people on this job
☝️ Information based on the reference occupation “Flight Attendants”.
Also Known As…
- Flight Attendants
- Purser
- Lead Instructor/Flight Attendant
- International Flight Attendant
- In-Flight Crew Member
- Flight Attendant/Inflight Supervisor
- Flight Attendant/Inflight Manager
- Flight Attendant/Air Transportation Supervisor
- Flight Attendant, Inflight Services
- Flight Attendant and Union Safety Chairperson
- Flight Attendant
- Ramp Flight Attendant
- Meal Attendant
- Flight Steward
- Flight Hostess
- Door and Arrival Attendant
- Airplane Flight Attendant
- Airline Stewardess
- Airline Hostess
- Airline Flight Attendant
- Airline Attendant
Tasks for “Flight Attendant/Inflight Supervisor”
- Sell alcoholic beverages to passengers.
- Walk aisles of planes to verify that passengers have complied with federal regulations prior to takeoffs and landings.
- Heat and serve prepared foods.
- Prepare reports showing places of departure and destination, passenger ticket numbers, meal and beverage inventories, the conditions of cabin equipment, and any problems encountered by passengers.
- Announce and demonstrate safety and emergency procedures, such as the use of oxygen masks, seat belts, and life jackets.
- Attend preflight briefings concerning weather, altitudes, routes, emergency procedures, crew coordination, lengths of flights, food and beverage services offered, and numbers of passengers.
- Inspect and clean cabins, checking for any problems and making sure that cabins are in order.
- Announce flight delays and descent preparations.
- Operate audio and video systems.
- Direct and assist passengers in emergency procedures, such as evacuating a plane following an emergency landing.
- Check to ensure that food, beverages, blankets, reading material, emergency equipment, and other supplies are aboard and are in adequate supply.
- Inspect passenger tickets to verify information and to obtain destination information.
- Greet passengers boarding aircraft and direct them to assigned seats.
- Determine special assistance needs of passengers such as small children, the elderly, or disabled persons.
- Verify that first aid kits and other emergency equipment, including fire extinguishers and oxygen bottles, are in working order.
- Collect money for meals and beverages.
- Prepare passengers and aircraft for landing, following procedures.
- Reassure passengers when situations such as turbulence are encountered.
- Take inventory of headsets, alcoholic beverages, and money collected.
- Assist passengers in placing carry-on luggage in overhead, garment, or under-seat storage.
- Conduct periodic trips through the cabin to ensure passenger comfort and to distribute reading material, headphones, pillows, playing cards, and blankets.
- Answer passengers' questions about flights, aircraft, weather, travel routes and services, arrival times, or schedules.
- Assist passengers entering or disembarking the aircraft.
- Administer first aid to passengers in distress.
Related Technology & Tools
- Nitroglycerin tablets
- Water system shutoff valves
- Refreshment carts
- Life preservers
- Cabin management systems
- Notebook computers
- Epi-pens
- Storage compartments
- Halon fire extinguishers
- Heaving life lines
- Sphygmomanometers
- Lavatory smoke detectors
- Intravenous IV administration sets
- Self-inflating manual resuscitation devices
- Personal digital assistants PDA
- Emergency locator transmitters
- Megaphones
- Chemical oxygen generators
- Automated external defibrillators AED
- Slideraft packs
- Desktop computers
- Window exit escape ropes
- Aircraft fire extinguishing systems
- Blood pressure recorders
- Electrical circuit breakers
- Portable oxygen equipment
- Tourniquets
- Mechanical stethoscopes
- Refrigeration units
- Supplemental oxygen systems
- Sliderafts
- Smoke goggles
- Satellite aircraft communication systems
- Emergency exit doors and windows
- Cardiopulmonary resuscitation CPR masks
- Flotation seat cushions
- Commercial cooking ovens
- Protective breathing equipment
- Evacuation slides
- First aid kits
- Cardiopulmonary resuscitation CPR equipment
- Emergency rafts
- SBS International Maestro Suite
- Arkitektia Flight Itinerary
- Microsoft Office
- Bid Assistant
- IBM Lotus LearningSpace
- Microsoft Word
- AD OPT Altitude
- Microsoft Excel
- ValtamTech Flight Crew Log