Will “Nuclear Station Operator (NSO)” be Replaced By Robots? 🤔
95% Chance of Automation
“Nuclear Station Operator (NSO)” will almost certainly be replaced by robots.
This job is ranked #614 out of #702. A higher ranking (i.e., a lower number) means the job is less likely to be replaced.
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Job Description
Operate or control nuclear reactors. Move control rods, start and stop equipment, monitor and adjust controls, and record data in logs. Implement emergency procedures when needed. May respond to abnormalities, determine cause, and recommend corrective action.
Job Details
- The SOC (Standard Occupational Classification) code is 51-8011.00
- The Mean Annual Wage in the U.S. is $ 91,370.00
- The Mean Hourly Wage is $ 43.00
- Currently, there are 7,170 people on this job
☝️ Information based on the reference occupation “Nuclear Power Reactor Operators”.
Also Known As…
- Nuclear Power Reactor Operators
- Reactor Operator (RO)
- Nuclear Unit Operator
- Nuclear Supervising Operator (NSO)
- Nuclear Station Operator (NSO)
- Nuclear Reactor Operator
- Nuclear Power Reactor Operator
- Nuclear Plant Operator (NPO)
- Nuclear Control Room Operator
- Nuclear Control Operator
- Licensed Reactor Operator
- Unit Reactor Operator
- Senior Reactor Operator
- Power Reactor Operator
- Nuclear Power Plant Process Control Worker
- Nuclear Operator
- Nuclear Control Room Non-Licensed Operator
- Licensed Nuclear Control Room Operator
- Equipment Operator
- Control Room Supervisor
- Control Room Operator
- Control Room Agent
Tasks for “Nuclear Station Operator (NSO)”
- Direct the collection and testing of air, water, gas, or solid samples to determine radioactivity levels or to ensure appropriate radioactive containment.
- Develop or implement actions such as lockouts, tagouts, or clearances to allow equipment to be safely repaired.
- Record operating data, such as the results of surveillance tests.
- Monitor or operate boilers, turbines, wells, or auxiliary power plant equipment.
- Review and edit standard operating procedures.
- Adjust controls to position rod and to regulate flux level, reactor period, coolant temperature, or rate of power flow, following standard procedures.
- Authorize actions to correct identified operational inefficiencies or hazards so that operating efficiency is maximized and potential environmental issues are minimized.
- Respond to system or unit abnormalities, diagnosing the cause, and recommending or taking corrective action.
- Supervise technicians' work activities to ensure that equipment is operated in accordance with policies and procedures that protect workers from radiation and ensure environmental safety.
- Direct measurement of the intensity or types of radiation in work areas, equipment, or materials.
- Authorize maintenance activities on units or changes in equipment or system operational status.
- Conduct inspections or operations outside of control rooms as necessary.
- Implement operational procedures, such as those controlling start-up or shut-down activities.
- Direct reactor operators in emergency situations, in accordance with emergency operating procedures.
- Operate nuclear power reactors in accordance with policies and procedures to protect workers from radiation and to ensure environmental safety.
- Dispatch orders or instructions to personnel through radiotelephone or intercommunication systems to coordinate auxiliary equipment operation.
- Identify or direct implementation of appropriate decontamination procedures, based on equipment and the size, nature, and type of contamination.
- Monitor all systems for normal running conditions, performing activities such as checking gauges to assess output or the effects of generator loading on other equipment.
- Participate in nuclear fuel element handling activities, such as preparation, transfer, loading, or unloading.
- Note malfunctions of equipment, instruments, or controls and report these conditions to supervisors.
Related Technology & Tools
- Radiation survey meters
- Nuclear plant hazard alarm systems
- Water conductivity testers
- Nuclear reactor control rod operation systems
- Air compressors
- pH testers
- Seismic monitoring instruments
- Automatic control systems
- Pipe camera inspection systems
- Water recirculation pumps
- Portable two way radios
- Area gamma monitors
- Level transmitters
- Safety gloves
- Air sample collection equipment
- Control rod drives
- Water samplers
- Water softeners
- Protective shoe covers
- Air purifying respirators
- Master-slave manipulators
- Pocket dosimeters
- Generator control panels
- Radiation monitoring instruments
- Spent fuel handling machines
- Fuel handling systems
- Portal monitors
- Safety coveralls
- Personal computers
- Desktop computers
- Leak detection equipment
- Cooling towers
- Water deionization equipment
- Video borescopes
- Power plant turbine control panels
- Ventilation systems
- Air monitoring equipment
- Microsoft Office
- Microsoft Excel
- Microsoft Access
- Data logging software
- Plant information data entry software