Will “Financial Agent” be Replaced By Robots? 🤔
58% Chance of Automation
“Financial Agent” will maybe be replaced by robots.
This job is ranked #324 out of #702. A higher ranking (i.e., a lower number) means the job is less likely to be replaced.
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Job Description
Advise clients on financial plans using knowledge of tax and investment strategies, securities, insurance, pension plans, and real estate. Duties include assessing clients' assets, liabilities, cash flow, insurance coverage, tax status, and financial objectives.
Job Details
- The SOC (Standard Occupational Classification) code is 13-2052.00
- The Mean Annual Wage in the U.S. is $ 123,100.00
- The Mean Hourly Wage is $ 59.00
- Currently, there are 201,850 people on this job
☝️ Information based on the reference occupation “Personal Financial Advisors”.
Also Known As…
- Personal Financial Advisors
- Registered Representative
- Portfolio Manager
- Investment Advisor
- Financial Planner
- Financial Counselor
- Financial Consultant
- Financial Advisor
- Certified Financial Planner (CFP)
- Analyst
- Account Executive
- Wealth Management Advisor
- Trustee of Estate
- Strategist
- Socially Responsible Investment Adviser
- Securities Counselor
- Securities Consultant
- Relationship Manager
- Personal Investment Adviser
- Personal Financial Planner
- Personal Financial Advisor
- Personal Banker
- Pension Consultant
- Pension Adviser
- Money Manager
- Investments Manager
- Investment Representative
- Investment Counselor
- Investment Consultant
- Insurance Consultant
- Insurance Adviser
- Individual Pension Consultant
- Individual Pension Adviser
- Fiscal Specialist
- Financial Solutions Advisor
- Financial Retirement Plan Specialist
- Financial Professional
- Financial Coordinator
- Financial Adviser
- Finance Consultant
- Estate Planning Counselor
- Estate Planner
- Debt Counselor
- Credit Counselor
- Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA)
- Budget Counselor
- Asset Manager
- Asset Analyst
- Advisor
- Account Manager
Tasks for “Financial Agent”
- Open accounts for clients and disburse funds from accounts to creditors as agent for clients.
- Recommend financial products, such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, or insurance.
- Recruit and maintain client bases.
- Inform clients about tax benefits, government rebates, or other financial benefits of alternative fuel vehicle purchases or energy efficient home construction, improvements, or remodeling.
- Conduct seminars or workshops on financial planning topics, such as retirement planning, estate planning, or the evaluation of severance packages.
- Recommend to clients strategies in cash management, insurance coverage, investment planning, or other areas to help them achieve their financial goals.
- Guide clients in the gathering of information, such as bank account records, income tax returns, life and disability insurance records, pension plans, or wills.
- Contact clients periodically to determine any changes in their financial status.
- Meet with clients' other advisors, such as attorneys, accountants, trust officers, or investment bankers, to fully understand clients' financial goals and circumstances.
- Devise debt liquidation plans that include payoff priorities and timelines.
- Implement financial planning recommendations or refer clients to someone who can assist them with plan implementation.
- Review clients' accounts and plans regularly to determine whether life changes, economic changes, environmental concerns, or financial performance indicate a need for plan reassessment.
- Answer clients' questions about the purposes and details of financial plans and strategies.
- Investigate available investment opportunities to determine compatibility with client financial plans.
- Monitor financial market trends to ensure that client plans are responsive.
- Recommend environmentally responsible investments, such as cleantech, alternative energy, or conservation technologies, companies, or funds.
- Prepare or interpret for clients information such as investment performance reports, financial document summaries, or income projections.
- Analyze financial information obtained from clients to determine strategies for meeting clients' financial objectives.
- Explain to clients the personal financial advisor's responsibilities and the types of services to be provided.
- Manage client portfolios, keeping client plans up-to-date.
- Interview clients to determine their current income, expenses, insurance coverage, tax status, financial objectives, risk tolerance, or other information needed to develop a financial plan.
Related Technology & Tools
- Personal computers
- Tablet computers
- Desktop computers
- Notebook computers
- Personal digital assistants PDA
- 10-key calculators
- Web Information Solutions Pocket Informant
- Automatic Data Processing ProxyEdge
- Salesforce software
- PlanPlus Pro
- Redtail Technology Our Business Online
- Investigo
- IMPACT Wealth Distribution Analysis
- World Software Corporation Worldox
- SunGard PlanningStation
- EISI NaviPlan
- Torrid Retirement Planner
- Structured query language SQL
- ComplianceMAX
- CRM Software Junxure-i
- Cygnus IncomeMax
- Microsoft Access
- IBM Lotus 1-2-3
- Fund accounting software
- Microsoft PowerPoint
- eMoneyAdvisor AdvisorPlatform
- ProTracker Advantage
- Getting Things Done GTD software
- SunGard Frontier
- Unger Software Methusaleh
- SunGard LockBox
- Morningstar Principia
- Asset allocation software
- Education planning software
- Investment tracking software
- Intuit Quicken
- ExpenseWatch
- Thomson ONE Advisor
- ASI Client Acquisition Solution
- Finance Logix Insurance Planner
- Practice management software PMS
- SunGard WebPlaid
- Financeware AASim
- The Omni Group OmniPlan
- Net Worth Strategies Stock Opter Pro
- Investment and business valuation template software
- Finance Logix Retirement Planner
- Ibbotson Analyst
- Financial planning presentation software
- WealthTec Foundations
- Financial planning software
- Microsoft Business Contact Manager
- Microsoft Word
- AdviceAmerica AdvisorVision
- WealthTec AllocationPro
- Finance Logix Education Planner
- Brentmark Stock Option Risk Analyzer
- ACT! ACT4Advisors
- PIE Technologies MoneyGuidePro
- MoneyTree Silver Financial Planner (presentation feature)
- Impact PlanLabX3
- Needs analysis software
- Microsoft Money
- PlanScan Portfolio Pathfinder
- Estate Capitol Needs Analysis
- Advent Axys
- WealthTec WealthMaster
- Microsoft Office
- Financial Profiles Profiles+ Professional
- Host Analytics Host Budget
- Financeware WealthSimulator
- Portfolio management software
- Optima IAS
- DataViz Beyond Contacts
- IBM Domino
- MoneyTree Silver Financial Planner (financial analysis feature)
- Microsoft Dynamics
- Tax planning software
- Retirement planning software
- Oracle PeopleSoft Financials
- Sage 50 Accounting
- Pimlico Software DateBk
- Ibbotson Portfolio Strategist
- Cabinet NG CNG-SAFE
- Financial Planning Consultants Practice Builder
- J&L Financial Planner
- Oracle Hyperion
- ScanSoft PaperPort Pro
- Sawhney ExecPlan
- CRM Software Junxure
- Web browser software
- Financial report generation software
- MasterPlan
- Microsoft Excel
- Estate planning software
- Monte Carlo simulation software
- Corel QuattroPro
- Financeware Finance File Manager
- Cheshire Financial Planning Suite
- Advisory World ICE
- EZ-Data Client Data System
- ScenarioNow RetireNow
- Oracle E-Business Suite Financials