Will “Plate Former” be Replaced By Robots? 🤔
92% Chance of Automation
“Plate Former” will probably be replaced by robots.
This job is ranked #569 out of #702. A higher ranking (i.e., a lower number) means the job is less likely to be replaced.
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Job Description
Set up, operate, or tend plating or coating machines to coat metal or plastic products with chromium, zinc, copper, cadmium, nickel, or other metal to protect or decorate surfaces. Includes electrolytic processes.
Job Details
- The SOC (Standard Occupational Classification) code is 51-4193.00
- The Mean Annual Wage in the U.S. is $ 33,690.00
- The Mean Hourly Wage is $ 16.00
- Currently, there are 35,570 people on this job
☝️ Information based on the reference occupation “Plating and Coating Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic”.
Also Known As…
- Plating and Coating Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic
- Plater
- Machine Operator
- Line Operator
- Galvanizer
- Electro Plater
- Coater Operator
- Coater Associate
- Chrome Plater
- Anodizing Line Operator
- Anodizer
- Zinc Plating Machine Operator
- Zinc Plater
- Welding Rod Coater
- Vacuum Metalizer Operator
- Vacuum Applicator Operator
- Tube Coater
- Tinning Equipment Tender
- Tin Pot Operator
- Sprayer Operator
- Spray Machine Tender
- Silvering Applicator
- Silver Spray Worker
- Silver Plater
- Shell Plater
- Semiconductor Wafers and Components Plater
- Printed Circuit Boards Solder-Leveler
- Printed Circuit Board Panels Plater
- Printed Circuit Board Panels Electroless Plater
- Primer Waterproofing Machine Operator
- Plating Technician
- Plating Tank Operator
- Plating Machine Operator
- Plating Equipment Tender
- Plater Apprentice
- Plastics Spreading Machine Operator
- Plastics Plater
- Pasting Machine Operator
- Oxidized Finish Plater
- Nonelectrolytic Plating and Coating Machine Setter/Set-Up Operator, Metal and Plastic
- Nail Galvanizer
- Metalizing Machine Operator
- Metal Wire Technician
- Metal Wire Coating Operator
- Metal Spraying Machine Operator
- Metal Sprayer
- Metal Plater
- Metal Coater Operator
- Metal Coater
- Metal and Plastic Nonelectrolytic Plating and Coating Machine Operator/Tender
- Matrix Worker
- Matrix Plater
- Matrix Bath Operator
- Matrix Bath Attendant
- Manufacturing Operator
- Manufacturing Associate
- Manufacturing Assistant
- Machine Ceramic Coater
- Lubricating Machine Tender
- Lock Plater
- Lacquerer
- Lacquer Dipping Machine Operator
- Jewelry Coater
- Impregnator
- Impregnation Operator
- Hot Dip Plater
- Hot Dip Galvanizer
- Gold Plater
- Gettering Filament Machine Operator
- Galvanizing Pot Runner
- Electroplating Worker
- Electroplating Technician
- Electroplater
- Electrolytic Plating and Coating Machine Setup Operator
- Electroless Plater
- Electrogalvanizing Machine Operator
- Electroformer
- Electric Plater
- Custom Applicator
- Corrosion Prevention Metal Sprayer
- Component Prep Operator
- Coating Machine Operator
- Coating and Baking Operator
- Coater
- Chromium Plater
- Chrome Worker
- Ceramic Coater
- Carbon Paper Coating Machine Setter
- Bullet Lubricating Machine Operator
- Browning Processor
- Bronze Plater
- Black Oxide Coating Equipment Tender
- Barrel Plater
- Automatic Metal Spraying Machine Operator
- Anodize Machine Operator
- Anodic Treater
- Anodic Operator
- Anode Machine Operator
- Alodize Machine Operator
Tasks for “Plate Former”
- Maintain production records.
- Remove objects from solutions at periodic intervals and observe objects to verify conformance to specifications.
- Suspend sticks or pieces of plating metal from anodes, or positive terminals, and immerse metal in plating solutions.
- Attach nozzles, position guns, connect hoses, and thread wire to set up metal-spraying machines.
- Replace worn parts and adjust equipment components, using hand tools.
- Clean workpieces, using wire brushes.
- Position and feed materials into processing machines, by hand or by using automated equipment.
- Immerse objects to be coated or plated into cleaning solutions, or spray objects with conductive solutions to prepare them for plating.
- Mix and test solutions, and turn valves to fill tanks with solutions.
- Operate hoists to place workpieces onto machine feed carriages or spindles.
- Clean and maintain equipment, using water hoses and scrapers.
- Perform equipment maintenance such as cleaning tanks and lubricating moving parts of conveyors.
- Install gears and holding devices on conveyor equipment.
- Cut metal or other materials, using shears or band saws.
- Test machinery to ensure that it is operating properly.
- Remove excess materials or impurities from objects, using air hoses or grinding machines.
- Plate small objects such as nuts or bolts, using motor-driven barrels.
- Immerse workpieces in coating solutions or liquid metal or plastic for specified times.
- Measure and set stops, rolls, brushes, and guides on automatic feeders and conveying equipment or coating machines, using micrometers, rules, and hand tools.
- Rinse coated objects in cleansing liquids and dry them with cloths, centrifugal driers, or by tumbling in sawdust-filled barrels.
- Position objects to be plated in frames, or suspend them from positive or negative terminals of power supplies.
- Adjust controls to set temperatures of coating substances and speeds of machines and equipment.
- Examine completed objects to determine thicknesses of metal deposits, or measure thicknesses by using instruments such as micrometers.
- Observe gauges to ensure that machines are operating properly, making adjustments or stopping machines when problems occur.
- Monitor and measure thicknesses of electroplating on component parts to verify conformance to specifications, using micrometers.
- Spray coating in specified patterns according to instructions.
- Place plated or coated materials on racks and transfer them to ovens to dry for specified periods of time.
- Determine sizes and compositions of objects to be plated, and amounts of electrical current and time required.
- Read production schedules to determine setups of equipment and machines.
- Adjust dials to regulate flow of current and voltage supplied to terminals to control plating processes.
- Preheat workpieces in ovens.
- Measure or weigh materials, using rulers, calculators, and scales.
- Suspend objects such as parts or molds from cathode rods, or negative terminals, and immerse objects in plating solutions.
- Operate sandblasting equipment to roughen and clean surfaces of workpieces.
- Measure, mark, and mask areas to be excluded from plating.
- Position containers to receive parts, and load or unload materials in containers, using dollies or handtrucks.
- Inspect coated or plated areas for defects such as air bubbles or uneven coverage.
- Set up, operate, or tend plating or coating machines to coat metal or plastic products with chromium, zinc, copper, cadmium, nickel, or other metal to protect or decorate surfaces.
Related Technology & Tools
- Digital calipers
- Wheeled forklifts
- Plating tank
- Chain hoists
- Digital levels
- Bake ovens
- Monorail conveyer systems
- Floor jacks
- Spin dryers
- Pallet jacks
- Metal inert gas MIG welders
- Digital ammeters
- Thermo galvanometers
- Digital micrometers
- Fixed workshop cranes
- Sand blasters
- Microsoft Excel
- Autodesk AutoCAD
- Hazardous materials management HMS software
- Oracle Advanced Procurement
- Microsoft Outlook
- Microsoft Word
- Computer aided design CAD software