Will “Grain Thresher” be Replaced By Robots? 🤔
Unknown Chance of Automation
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Job Description
Drive and control farm equipment to till soil and to plant, cultivate, and harvest crops. May perform tasks, such as crop baling or hay bucking. May operate stationary equipment to perform post-harvest tasks, such as husking, shelling, threshing, and ginning.
Job Details
- The SOC (Standard Occupational Classification) code is 45-2091.00
- The Mean Annual Wage in the U.S. is $ 30,430.00
- The Mean Hourly Wage is $ 14.00
- Currently, there are 28,700 people on this job
☝️ Information based on the reference occupation “Agricultural Equipment Operators”.
Also Known As…
- Agricultural Equipment Operators
- Tractor Operator
- Tractor Driver
- Rake Operator
- Irrigation Worker
- Hay Baler
- Farm Laborer
- Farm Hand
- Equipment Operator
- Cutter Operator
- Baler Operator
- Windrower Operator
- Wheat Combine Driver
- Vegetable Loader Machine Operator
- Vegetable Harvest Machine Operator
- Vegetable Farmworker
- Truck Driver
- Tractor Operator Helper
- Tobacco Primer Machine Operator
- Thresher
- Sugar Cane Planting Equipment Operator
- Sugar Cane Planter Machine Operator
- Straw Baler
- Sprayer
- Seed Potato Arranger
- Rice Farmworker
- Replanting Machine Operator
- Replanting Machine Crewman
- Raking Machine Operator
- Potato Picker
- Potato Bucker
- Portable Feed Mill Operator
- Plowman
- Planting Machine Operator
- Planting Machine Crewman
- Planter
- Picker Operator
- Peanut Shaker
- Peanut Picker
- Packing Tractor Machine Operator
- Orange Picker Machine Operator
- Nut Sheller Machine Operator
- Mushroom Growth Media Mixer
- Milking Machine Operator
- Mechanic
- Machine Tender
- Machine Pecan Picker
- Machine Pecan Gatherer
- Machine Operator Transplanter
- Machine Operator Replanter
- Machine Operator Picker
- Machine Operator Hop Worker
- Machine Operator Hop Picker
- Machine Operator Hay Stacker
- Machine Operator Farmworker
- Machine Operator Cane Cutter
- Machine Milker
- Machine Farmworker
- Loader Operator
- Liquid Fertilizer Servicer
- Lime Spreader
- Laborer
- Hay Stacker Operator
- Hay Rake Operator
- Hay Chopper
- Harvester Operator
- Grain Farmworker
- Grain Combiner
- Grain Combine Driver
- Ginning Operator
- Ginner
- Gin Operator
- General Farmworker
- Fruit Thinner, Machine Operator
- Fruit Picker, Machine Operator
- Fruit Loader, Machine Operator
- Fruit Harvester, Machine Operator
- Fruit Harvest Machine Operator
- Fruit Farmworker
- Field Hauler
- Field Crops Harvest Machine Operator
- Field Crop Farmworker
- Fertilizing Machine Operator
- Fertilizer Applicator
- Farmer
- Farm Worker
- Farm Tractor Operator
- Farm Manager
- Farm Machine Tender
- Farm Equipment Operator
- Equipment Operator Wage Hand
- Diversified Crops Farmworker
- Dairy Machine Operator Farmworker
- Custom Harvester
- Custom Applicator
- Cultivator
- Cotton Stripper
- Cotton Picker Operator
- Cotton Ginner
- Cotton Chopper
- Cotton Baler
- Corn Husker Machine Operator
- Corn Detasseler Machine Operator
- Corn Cutter
- Combine Operator
- Combine Driver
- Chopper Operator
- Cane Piler
- Cane Flume Feeding Machine Operator
- Cane Flume Chute Operator
- Bulbs Farmworker
- Broomcorn Thresher
- Berry Picker Machine Operator
- Bean Picker Machine Operator
- Baler
- Agricultural Plow Operator
- Agricultural Equipment Operator
Tasks for “Grain Thresher”
- Position boxes or attach bags at discharge ends of machinery to catch products, removing and closing full containers.
- Spray fertilizer or pesticide solutions to control insects, fungus and weed growth, and diseases, using hand sprayers.
- Drive trucks to haul crops, supplies, tools, or farm workers.
- Mix specified materials or chemicals, and dump solutions, powders, or seeds into planter or sprayer machinery.
- Operate towed machines such as seed drills or manure spreaders to plant, fertilize, dust, and spray crops.
- Walk beside or ride on planting machines while inserting plants in planter mechanisms at specified intervals.
- Manipulate controls to set, activate, and adjust mechanisms on machinery.
- Attach farm implements such as plows, discs, sprayers, or harvesters to tractors, using bolts and hand tools.
- Observe and listen to machinery operation to detect equipment malfunctions.
- Weigh crop-filled containers, and record weights and other identifying information.
- Load hoppers, containers, or conveyors to feed machines with products, using forklifts, transfer augers, suction gates, shovels, or pitchforks.
- Operate or tend equipment used in agricultural production, such as tractors, combines, and irrigation equipment.
- Load and unload crops or containers of materials, manually or using conveyors, handtrucks, forklifts, or transfer augers.
- Irrigate soil, using portable pipes or ditch systems, and maintain ditches or pipes and pumps.
- Direct and monitor the activities of work crews engaged in planting, weeding, or harvesting activities.
- Adjust, repair, and service farm machinery and notify supervisors when machinery malfunctions.
- Guide products on conveyors to regulate flow through machines, and to discard diseased or rotten products.
Related Technology & Tools
- Farm tractors
- Swath turners
- Transfer augers
- Coulter rippers
- Hay bale accumulators
- Hay bale stackers
- Post drivers
- Horizontal feed mixers
- Subcompact tractors
- Silage mills
- Hay tedders
- Combine draper headers
- Seed dryers
- Lime spreaders
- Seed bins
- Min-till cultivators
- Land levelers
- Air drill seeders
- Shavings spreaders
- Chisel plows
- Bed shapers
- Land planes
- Seed mixers
- Hay bale spears
- Skid steer post hole diggers
- V hay rakes
- Subsoilers
- Peanut diggers
- Skid steer rotary tillers
- Forklifts
- Flotation sprayers
- Roller packers
- Soybean combine harvesters
- Flat-ended shovels
- Feed grinders
- Liquid ferilizer applicators
- Garlic harvesters
- Crop dividers
- 3-point sprayers
- Silo spreaders
- Tandem disks
- Cargo trucks
- Peanut harvesters
- Compost turners
- Field cultivators
- Silage wrappers
- Peanut dump carts
- Peanut digger shakers
- All terrain vehicle ATV rakes
- Haybines
- Forage tractors
- Rock windrowers
- Grain wagons
- Hammermills
- Sprayer chassis
- Manure augers
- Air seeders
- Offset disks
- Manure chopper pumps
- Forage boxes
- Fertilizer spreaders
- Hay bale feeders
- Gravity wagons
- Air reels
- Fertilizer blenders
- All terrain vehicle ATV seeders
- Forage wagons
- Silage boxes
- Grass drills
- Telehandlers
- Manure scrapers
- Rotary hay rakes
- Wheel loaders
- Grain heaters
- Sprayer booms
- Grain drills
- Seed hoppers
- Skid steer hay bale spears
- Min-till drills
- Hay bale conveyors
- Feed conveyors
- Silage distributors
- Hay bale trailers
- Chisel disks
- Silage bins
- Tomato harvesters
- Dry bulk storage tanks
- Disk rippers
- Row crop cultivators
- Hay bale unrollers
- Combine headers
- Manure spreaders
- Novariant AutoFarm RTK AutoSteer
- Ditchers
- Hay bale forks
- Hay balers
- Combine grain headers
- Auger wagons
- Grain augers
- Mist blowers
- Bedding hippers
- Seed drills
- Grain vacuums
- Windrowers
- Hay bale movers
- Land scrapers
- Hay bale wrappers
- Post hole diggers
- Bucket elevators
- Weed wipes
- Portable sprayers
- Stump grinders
- Skid steer loaders
- Compact tractors
- Utility vehicles
- All terrain vehicle ATV harrows
- Continuous flow grain dryers
- Chaff spreaders
- Forage harvesters
- Nurse tanks
- Silage feeders
- Granular applicators
- All terrain vehicle ATV sprayers
- Seed vacuums
- Tractor guidance systems
- Land rollers
- Seed strippers
- Seed conveyors
- Silage wagons
- Rotary hoes
- Hay bale shredders
- Manure storage tanks
- Grass seeders
- Auger movers
- Silage baggers
- All terrain vehicle ATV post hole diggers
- Seed scales
- Skid steer post drivers
- Grain pumps
- Hay conditioners
- All terrain vehicle ATV plows
- Skid sprayers
- Liquid storage tanks
- Batch grain dryers
- Grain combines
- Hay bale compressors
- Hay bale elevators
- Plows
- Coulter disks
- Rotary tillers
- Grain bin aeration fans
- Min-till planters
- All terrain vehicle ATV discs
- Hay bale loaders
- Air carts
- All terrain vehicles ATV
- Track tractors
- Skid steer rock grapples
- Power winches
- Manure injection systems
- Pasture renovators
- Tower grain dryers
- Manure separators
- Harrow baskets
- Coulter drills
- 2-point sprayers
- Forage blowers
- Combine cylinders
- Field rollers
- Peanut digger inverters
- Land finishers
- Crop shredders
- Skid steer tree cutters
- Crop lifters
- Seed tenders
- Litter spreaders
- Straw and chaff spreaders
- Header carriers
- Self-propelled sprayers
- Skid steer post pullers
- Backhoes
- Windrow inverters
- Combine header transports
- Mower conditioners
- All terrain vehicle ATV manure spreaders
- Feed mixer wagons
- Peanut dryers
- Threshers
- Martens Farms Farm Site Mate
- Farm Management Software Hay and Crop Manager
- Martens Farms Farm Trac