Will “Public Safety Director” be Replaced By Robots? 🤔
0.3% Chance of Automation
“Public Safety Director” will not be replaced by robots.
This job is ranked #3 out of #702. A higher ranking (i.e., a lower number) means the job is less likely to be replaced.
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Job Description
Plan and direct disaster response or crisis management activities, provide disaster preparedness training, and prepare emergency plans and procedures for natural (e.g., hurricanes, floods, earthquakes), wartime, or technological (e.g., nuclear power plant emergencies or hazardous materials spills) disasters or hostage situations.
Job Details
- The SOC (Standard Occupational Classification) code is 11-9161.00
- The Mean Annual Wage in the U.S. is $ 78,060.00
- The Mean Hourly Wage is $ 37.00
- Currently, there are 9,570 people on this job
☝️ Information based on the reference occupation “Emergency Management Directors”.
Also Known As…
- Emergency Management Directors
- Emergency Services Director
- Emergency Preparedness Specialist
- Emergency Preparedness Program Specialist
- Emergency Preparedness Coordinator
- Emergency Planner
- Emergency Management System Director (EMS Director)
- Emergency Management Program Specialist
- Emergency Management Director
- Emergency Management Coordinator
- Emergency Management Consultant
- Training Coordinator
- Safety Specialist
- Risk Assessment Analyst
- Relocation Director
- Paramedic
- Nuclear Emergency Planner
- Natural Hazards Coordinator
- Hurricane Program Manager
- Hostage Negotiator
- Hospital Emergency Preparedness Administrator
- Homeland Security Program Specialist
- Hazard Mitigation Officer
- Fire Department Lieutenant
- Environmental Health and Safety Manager
- Emergency Services Program Coordinator
- Emergency Response Team Leader
- Emergency Responder
- Emergency Planning and Response Manager
- Emergency Management Specialist
- Disaster Response Director
- Disaster Recovery Specialist
- Disaster Recovery Manager
- Director of Public Safety
- Director of Civil Defense
- Civil Preparedness Officer
- 911 Communications Manager
Tasks for “Public Safety Director”
- Maintain and update all resource materials associated with emergency preparedness plans.
- Inspect facilities and equipment, such as emergency management centers and communications equipment, to determine their operational and functional capabilities in emergency situations.
- Develop instructional materials for the public and make presentations to citizens' groups to provide information on emergency plans and their implementation processes.
- Coordinate disaster response or crisis management activities, such as ordering evacuations, opening public shelters, and implementing special needs plans and programs.
- Prepare plans that outline operating procedures to be used in response to disasters or emergencies, such as hurricanes, nuclear accidents, and terrorist attacks, and in recovery from these events.
- Develop and maintain liaisons with municipalities, county departments, and similar entities to facilitate plan development, response effort coordination, and exchanges of personnel and equipment.
- Prepare emergency situation status reports that describe response and recovery efforts, needs, and preliminary damage assessments.
- Keep informed of activities or changes that could affect the likelihood of an emergency, as well as those that could affect response efforts and details of plan implementation.
- Collaborate with other officials to prepare and analyze damage assessments following disasters or emergencies.
- Keep informed of federal, state, and local regulations affecting emergency plans and ensure that plans adhere to these regulations.
- Train local groups in the preparation of long-term plans that are compatible with federal and state plans.
- Propose alteration of emergency response procedures based on regulatory changes, technological changes, or knowledge gained from outcomes of previous emergency situations.
- Study emergency plans used elsewhere to gather information for plan development.
- Develop and implement training procedures and strategies for radiological protection, detection, and decontamination.
- Review emergency plans of individual organizations, such as medical facilities, to ensure their adequacy.
- Consult with officials of local and area governments, schools, hospitals, and other institutions to determine their needs and capabilities in the event of a natural disaster or other emergency.
- Apply for federal funding for emergency-management-related needs and administer and report on the progress of such grants.
- Attend meetings, conferences, and workshops related to emergency management to learn new information and to develop working relationships with other emergency management specialists.
- Develop and perform tests and evaluations of emergency management plans in accordance with state and federal regulations.
- Design and administer emergency or disaster preparedness training courses that teach people how to effectively respond to major emergencies and disasters.
- Inventory and distribute nuclear, biological, and chemical detection and contamination equipment, providing instruction in its maintenance and use.
- Conduct surveys to determine the types of emergency-related needs to be addressed in disaster planning or provide technical support to others conducting such surveys.
- Provide communities with assistance in applying for federal funding for emergency management facilities, radiological instrumentation, and other related items.
Related Technology & Tools
- Chemical protective boots
- Laptop computers
- Radiation detectors
- Protective hoods
- Two way radios
- Hard hats
- Emergency alert notification systems
- Desktop computers
- Personal computers
- Self-contained breathing apparatus
- Chemical protective clothing
- Safety gloves
- Microsoft SharePoint
- Alert Technologies OpsCenter
- Web browser software
- National Center for Crisis and Continuity Coordination NC4 E Team
- IBM Lotus Notes
- Microsoft Office
- Microsoft Word
- SunGard Assurance
- MapInfo Professional
- Emergency Managers Weather Information Network EMWIN
- Desktop publishing software
- Geographic information system GIS software
- Relational database software
- Federal Emergency Management Information System FEMIS
- Microsoft PowerPoint
- ESRI ArcGIS software
- SoftRisk Technologies SoftRisk SQL
- Emergency Services Integrators ESi WebEOC
- Statistical software
- Microsoft Excel
- Graphics software
- Digital Engineering Corporation E-MAPS