Will “Termite Control Representative” be Replaced By Robots? 🤔
66% Chance of Automation
“Termite Control Representative” will maybe be replaced by robots.
This job is ranked #364 out of #702. A higher ranking (i.e., a lower number) means the job is less likely to be replaced.
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Job Description
Apply or release chemical solutions or toxic gases and set traps to kill or remove pests and vermin that infest buildings and surrounding areas.
Job Details
- The SOC (Standard Occupational Classification) code is 37-2021.00
- The Mean Annual Wage in the U.S. is $ 35,020.00
- The Mean Hourly Wage is $ 16.00
- Currently, there are 72,830 people on this job
☝️ Information based on the reference occupation “Pest Control Workers”.
Also Known As…
- Pest Control Workers
- Termite Technician
- Residential Pest Control Technician
- Pest Technician
- Pest Control Technician
- Pest Control Operator
- Pest Control Chemical Technician
- Pest Control Applicator
- Exterminator
- Commercial Pest Control Technician
- Certified Pest Control Technician
- Tick Eradicator
- Termite Treater
- Termite Renewal Inspector
- Termite Inspector
- Termite Exterminator Helper
- Termite Exterminator
- Termite Control Technician
- Termite Control Servicer
- Technician
- Sprayer
- Spray Worker
- Spray Crew
- Service Technician
- Rodent Exterminator
- Rodent Control Worker
- Rat Exterminator
- Pest Controller Assistant
- Pest Controller
- Pest Control Specialist
- Pest Control Service Technician
- Pest Control Service Representative
- Moth Exterminator
- Mosquito Sprayer
- Insecticide Sprayer
- Insecticide Expert
- Hand Spray Operator
- Fumigator
- Exterminator Helper
- Extermination Supervisor
- Extermination Inspector
- Commercial Pest Control Representative
- Chemical Applicator
- Bed Bug Exterminator
Tasks for “Termite Control Representative”
- Position and fasten edges of tarpaulins over building and tape vents to ensure air-tight environment and check for leaks.
- Direct or assist other workers in treatment or extermination processes to eliminate or control rodents, insects, or weeds.
- Drive truck equipped with power spraying equipment.
- Study preliminary reports or diagrams of infested area and determine treatment type required to eliminate and prevent recurrence of infestation.
- Measure area dimensions requiring treatment, calculate fumigant requirements, and estimate cost for service.
- Dig up and burn, or spray weeds with herbicides.
- Clean and remove blockages from infested areas to facilitate spraying procedures and provide drainage, using brooms, mops, shovels, or rakes.
- Post warning signs and lock building doors to secure area to be fumigated.
- Spray or dust chemical solutions, powders, or gases into rooms, onto clothing, furnishings, or wood, or over marshlands, ditches, or catch basins.
- Set mechanical traps or place poisonous paste or bait in sewers, burrows, or ditches.
- Inspect premises to identify infestation source and extent of damage to property, wall, or roof porosity and access to infested locations.
- Recommend treatment and prevention methods for pest problems to clients.
- Clean work site after completion of job.
- Cut or bore openings in building or surrounding concrete, access infested areas, insert nozzle, and inject pesticide to impregnate ground.
- Record work activities performed.
Related Technology & Tools
- Adjustable hand wrenches
- Safety goggles
- Laser facsimile machines
- Bellows dusters
- Protective head coverings
- Ultra low volume ULV sprayers
- Snap traps
- Claw hammers
- Mechanical animal traps
- Electric drills
- Garden rakes
- Work trucks
- Laptop computers
- Handheld calculators
- Handheld pesticide sprayers
- Pesticide agitators
- Power dusters
- Protective respirators
- Handheld compressed air sprayers
- Cold foggers
- Bait stations
- Brooms
- Mobile radios
- Bulb dusters
- Flathead shovels
- Utility screwdrivers
- Copy machines
- Gasoline powered generators
- Thermal foggers
- Vise grip pliers
- Protective gloves
- Pesticide tanks
- Chemical-resistant suits
- Chemical-resistant footwear
- Wet mops
- Portable vacuums
- Digital still cameras
- Pneumatic hammers
- Report writing software
- Work scheduling software
- Database software
- Marathon Data Systems PestPac
- Email software
- Microsoft Word
- Microsoft Office
- Microsoft Excel
- Intuit QuickBooks
- Supply inventory software