Will “Archival Records Clerk” be Replaced By Robots? 🤔
76% Chance of Automation
“Archival Records Clerk” will probably be replaced by robots.
This job is ranked #415 out of #702. A higher ranking (i.e., a lower number) means the job is less likely to be replaced.
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Job Description
Appraise, edit, and direct safekeeping of permanent records and historically valuable documents. Participate in research activities based on archival materials.
Job Details
- The SOC (Standard Occupational Classification) code is 25-4011.00
- The Mean Annual Wage in the U.S. is $ 54,570.00
- The Mean Hourly Wage is $ 26.00
- Currently, there are 5,760 people on this job
☝️ Information based on the reference occupation “Archivists”.
Also Known As…
- Archivists
- University Archivist
- Registrar
- Records Manager
- Museum Archivist
- Manuscripts Curator
- Collections Manager
- Collections Director
- Archivist
- Archives Director
- Archival Records Clerk
- State Archivist
- Reference Archivist
- Records Administrator
- Public Records Officer
- Province Archivist
- Project Archivist
- Processing Archivist
- Photographs Curator
- Outreach Coordinator
- Museum Registrar
- Museum Librarian
- Library Director
- Librarian
- Image Archivist
- Historical Records Administrator
- Historical Manuscripts Curator
- Film Archivist
- Docent Coordinator
- Docent
- Director of Archives
- Digital Archivist
- Curatorial Specialist
- Curator of Manuscripts
- Curator
- Archives Specialist
- Archives and Rare Books Division Curator
- Archives and Historical Documents Director
Tasks for “Archival Records Clerk”
- Create and maintain accessible, retrievable computer archives and databases, incorporating current advances in electronic information storage technology.
- Locate new materials and direct their acquisition and display.
- Specialize in an area of history or technology, researching topics or items relevant to collections to determine what should be retained or acquired.
- Establish and administer policy guidelines concerning public access and use of materials.
- Prepare archival records, such as document descriptions, to allow easy access to information.
- Direct activities of workers who assist in arranging, cataloguing, exhibiting, and maintaining collections of valuable materials.
- Provide reference services and assistance for users needing archival materials.
- Coordinate educational and public outreach programs, such as tours, workshops, lectures, and classes.
- Authenticate and appraise historical documents and archival materials.
- Preserve records, documents, and objects, copying records to film, videotape, audiotape, disk, or computer formats as necessary.
- Research and record the origins and historical significance of archival materials.
- Select and edit documents for publication and display, applying knowledge of subject, literary expression, and presentation techniques.
- Organize archival records and develop classification systems to facilitate access to archival materials.
Related Technology & Tools
- Compact digital cameras
- Desktop computers
- Personal computers
- Data input scanners
- Inkjet printers
- Laptop computers
- Digitizers
- Microsoft Excel
- Archon
- Adobe Systems Adobe Premiere Pro
- Corel Paint Shop Pro
- Adobe Systems Adobe Acrobat
- FileMaker Pro
- Presentation software
- Extensible markup language XML
- Hypertext markup language HTML
- Microsoft Office
- Adlib Information Systems Adlib Archive
- Gallery Systems The Museum System
- Microsoft Access
- Apple Final Cut Pro
- Microsoft Word
- Encoded Archival System EAD
- Microsoft Outlook
- Web browser software
- Adobe Systems Adobe Photoshop
- Archivists' Toolkit
- Dynamic hypertext markup language DHTML
- Microsoft PowerPoint