Will “Child and Family Services Worker” be Replaced By Robots? 🤔

2.8% Chance of Automation

“Child and Family Services Worker” will not be replaced by robots.

This job is ranked #102 out of #702. A higher ranking (i.e., a lower number) means the job is less likely to be replaced.

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Job Description

Provide social services and assistance to improve the social and psychological functioning of children and their families and to maximize the family well-being and the academic functioning of children. May assist parents, arrange adoptions, and find foster homes for abandoned or abused children. In schools, they address such problems as teenage pregnancy, misbehavior, and truancy. May also advise teachers.

Job Details

☝️ Information based on the reference occupation “Child, Family, and School Social Workers”.

Also Known As…

Tasks for “Child and Family Services Worker”

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