Will “Nuclear Reactor Technician” be Replaced By Robots? 🤔
Unknown Chance of Automation
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Job Description
Operate equipment used for the release, control, or utilization of nuclear energy to assist scientists in laboratory or production activities.
Job Details
- The SOC (Standard Occupational Classification) code is 19-4051.01
☝️ Information based on the reference occupation “Nuclear Equipment Operation Technicians”.
Also Known As…
- Nuclear Equipment Operation Technicians
- Operations Technician
- Nuclear Plant Equipment Operator
- Nuclear Operations Specialist
- Nuclear Equipment Operator (NEO)
- Nuclear Auxiliary Operator
- Non-Licensed Operator (NLO)
- Non-Licensed Nuclear Plant Operator (NLO)
- Non-Licensed Nuclear Equipment Operator (NLO)
- Licensed Nuclear Operator
- Equipment Operator
- Test and Research Reactor Operator
- Systems Operator
- Station Operator
- Reactor Operator
- Radioisotope Production Operator
- Radiation Protection Technician (RPT)
- Plant Operator
- Nuclear Station Plant Equipment Operator
- Nuclear Power Plant Process Control Worker
- Nuclear Power Plant Operator
- Nuclear Power Plant Non-Licensed Operator
- Nuclear Plant Operator
- Nuclear Operator
- Nuclear Operating Technician
- Nuclear Fuel Processing Technician
- Nuclear Fuel Enrichment Technician
- Nuclear Apprentice Plant Equipment Operator (NAPEO)
- Non-Licensed Nuclear Auxiliary Operator
- Hot-Cell Technician
- Gamma Operator
- Gamma Facilities Operator
- Facilities Operator
- Equipment Operation Instructor
- Cell Support Operator
- Auxiliary Operator
- Accelerator Technician
- Accelerator Operator
Tasks for “Nuclear Reactor Technician”
- Collect air, water, gas or solid samples for testing to determine radioactivity levels or to ensure appropriate radioactive containment.
- Calculate equipment operating factors, such as radiation times, dosages, temperatures, gamma intensities, or pressures, using standard formulas and conversion tables.
- Adjust controls of equipment to control particle beam movement, pulse rates, energy or intensity, or radiation, according to specifications.
- Communicate with accelerator maintenance personnel to ensure readiness of support systems, such as vacuum, water cooling, or radio frequency power sources.
- Perform testing, maintenance, repair, or upgrading of accelerator systems.
- Identify and implement appropriate decontamination procedures, based on equipment and the size, nature, and type of contamination.
- Prepare reports to communicate information such as contamination test results, decontamination results, or decontamination procedures.
- Decontaminate objects by cleaning them using soap or solvents or by abrading using brushes, buffing machines, or sandblasting machines.
- Submit computations to supervisors for review.
- Warn maintenance workers of radiation hazards and direct workers to vacate hazardous areas.
- Set control panel switches, according to standard procedures, to route electric power from sources and direct particle beams through injector units.
- Modify, devise, and maintain equipment used in operations.
- Measure the intensity and identify the types of radiation in work areas, equipment, or materials, using radiation detectors or other instruments.
- Monitor instruments, gauges, and recording devices in control rooms during operation of equipment, under direction of nuclear experimenters.
- Monitor nuclear reactor equipment performance to identify operational inefficiencies, hazards, or needs for maintenance or repair.
- Follow policies and procedures for radiation workers to ensure personnel safety.
- Follow nuclear equipment operational policies and procedures that ensure environmental safety.
Related Technology & Tools
- Ultrasonic thickness gauges
- Spent fuel handling machines
- Pocket dosimeters
- Contamination probes
- Video borescopes
- Videoscopes
- Area gamma monitors
- Level transmitters
- Scintillation detectors
- Personal computers
- Metal active gas MAG welding equipment
- Airline respirators
- Pressure cleaners
- Leak detection equipment
- Protective gloves
- Master-slave manipulators
- New fuel elevators
- Protective coveralls
- Pressure demand respirators
- Protective shoe covers
- Air compressors
- Digital spectrum analyzers
- Hot cell remote viewing devices
- Self-contained breathing apparatus
- Emergency diesel generators
- Radiation survey meters
- Fuel handling systems
- Multichannel analyzers
- Portable two way radios
- Digital ratemeters
- Ultrasonic flaw detectors
- Non-contact thermometers
- Control rod drives
- Metal inert gas MIG welding equipment
- Portal monitors
- Cryostats
- Digital signal analyzers
- Atmosphere supplying respirators
- Gamma exit/entrance contamination monitors
- Eddy current testing equipment
- Air purifying respirators
- Plasma arc cutting torches
- Condensate demineralizers
- Seismic monitoring instruments
- Gantry cranes
- Vibration monitors
- Pipe camera inspection systems
- Spreadsheet software
- Data logging software
- Database software
- Data entry software